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2nd time around

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Went back thru an area last Friday to pick up some older horns I left behind first trip but ended up finding a few more :) Never did collect any that I initially went to get so that'll have to wait for another trip.

















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Great pictures Dan and thanks for sharing your prize from all the effort you put in to it. The last picture would have been my favorite if only you had on a cwt t-shirt. :lol:



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Can't seem to see your pictures on this computer, can hardly wait to get home and look.



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It's always nice to pick up some you may have missed!

That is some great growth on that bull already!

Thanks for the post.



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Thx everyone for lookin and comments, hopefully inspired some to try a different route thru a previous area.


If you look closely at the bulls eye you'll notice the cloudiness, last time I visited him he didn't mind me passing by at 20 yards, and yes the growth is quick but I'm sure this bull is the one who dropped the brown I found on this trip (290ish), there is a Monster in the area tho so hope to come across his sheds sometime in the future, I've found his sets twice before and he really grew into a nice bull.


Good hunting to everyone out there, can't wait to see more sheds!



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