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Bombing at Boston Marathon

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Sad indeed. The Boston Marathon is a time honored tradition for runners. We don't know who did it, Muslim Enemies, disturbed individuals? Who knows.


I do know that it was an act of cowards.

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Prayers sent.

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5 of my family was there today. 4 watching and my cousin running. Just heard they are all ok. I wish everyone could get the same news.

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The father of three kids I have taught and coached over the last 8 years was by the finish line when the bombs went off. I was looking at the news for the incident and ended up clicking on a few other news stories. I am extremely depressed about the state of our world and country. I don't see life as we know it continuing for much longer with the way things are headed. It is time for me to put my trust in God. Prayers to those who were injured and lost their lives.

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5 of my family was there today. 4 watching and my cousin running. Just heard they are all ok. I wish everyone could get the same news.

Good to hear their ok!

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Call my statement what you will . There are those of us that care about the good people of this country, and what happened today,, and there are those that don't. I will let you decide what category of caring Obama falls into. That is your choice. It would be nice to see Obama and DHS focus on why this happened. Who did it. And catch those responsible. Without playing the coverup, and blame game.

We lost some good people in Benghazi also. But we all saw how that one played out.

I am just as disturbed by these events as anyone.

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