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Go get em' Snapshot! ;)


So what is the answer to your question though? What really CAN be done to get him out of the Whitehouse if that is the goal??





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Do you have this book, Snapshot? To counter the "free obama phones" being handed out in ghettos, maybe a group should get together and hand out "the obama survival guide" to middle class families in the suburbs....

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a collapse is probably what will have to happen before the lemmings turn on him...its slowly happening in some liberal segments. Until the bubble bursts for the stock market nothing is going to happen.... just wonder how CNN, MSNBC and others will spin the collapse on the GOP....

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Unfortunately, the way the system has become, there is no fixing it. Even if we get this donkey out of office for HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS (and believe me, there is plenty to get him on here), there is still the entire Congress that is corrupt as the day is long. We'll never get them to legislate power out of their hands.


The elected officials in this country have stolen our future, and they have stolen our government. It's all been done through unlimited terms, laws that don't apply to the elected 535, and the Lobby. We've been hijacked.


States must act. Somehow, we must get on our ballots a STATE LAW that would limit Federal Officials to no more than 2 successful ballot appearances. That would fix it State by State ... but unfortunately, these local dirtbags are just as corrupt, and they are trying to get their name on that ballot for Federal Office.


It's a mess.


I don't want a visit from the black helicopters, but if they come, they better bring the beer ... I ain't buyin'. ODUMMER got enough of my money today.

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Don't hold your breath buddy ... he's "superior" to anyone who doesn't agree with him ... JUST ASK HIM!!!!

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Oh, and by the way....I just want to say hi to the FBI, and other Feds who spy on all these websites. :D C'mon over to my place. We will have a beer, and talk, man to man. I will persuade you to turn away from the dark side of the force. ;)


So, after the bomb went off yesterday I tuned into a Boston news station on I Heart Radio at work. They had Gen Wesley Clark on asking him security type questions. He said it flat out that the FBI and Secret Service and even the CIA (which is supposed to work only outside of the country) listens to millions of cell phone conversations, reads texts and emails every day (without a warrant mind you) and scours websites. There was no "chatter" about this attack. So, in his mind, it was an anti-govt group that did this.


Is Obama the luckiest guy in the world?


"I will push to create millions of new green jobs and start phasing out fossil fuels" - Gulf Coast oil rig springs a leak - environmental disaster due to drilling. New push for solar and wind energy


Romney starts inching up in the polls and swings states like Colorado start becoming important. Crazy dude shoots up a theater, Colorado turns toward gun control. Obama wins it handily.


Obama getting more pressure to approve the Keystone Pipeline. Magically, a oil pipeline burst in Arkansas. No fly zone over spill, no one allowed to get even remotely close. EPA has nothing to say publicly on the matter. Enviro's become even more vocal on not a building the new pipeline.


After the election, liberals start foaming at the mouth because Obama has not fulfilled any of his promises he made to these people and they want action now that he does not have to worry about re-election. Libya scandal will not go away. - Crazy kid shoots up a school and within hours he is talking about Americans should be willing to give up some of their rights. Looks like he going to get at least some, probably a lot of gun control wishes. No one talking about Libya anymore.


Economy starts to tank and the media can no longer protect him from the facts. Liberals turning on him, especially concerning civil rights like oh say NOT having the power to create a kill list of US citizens and drone them at will. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio becoming more vocal and popular as people start to see that Obama is not really the typical liberal from the past that cared deeply about personal freedoms. He prefers the total Government control type of power. - Mystery person blows up the Boston Marathon, on tax day. Media already floating the "right" as responsible. - Pressure off for now.


Rahm Emanuel - Never let a crises go to waste



Not saying....just saying

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You aren't the only one to have those thoughts DBull. Wondered the same things myself. Putting "Right Wing Group" out there ... even though a vast majority of whackos that do this sort of thing are either Left Leaning or WAAAAY Left. Man are the Media and the Media "Experts" ever in the tank for the Libs. What a joke.

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Maybe what Rahm meant by that was "Never let the opportunity to CREATE A CRISIS that forwards YOUR GOALS go to waste." Isn't that well preached in the Marxist Doctrine????

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I am so sick of this Anti-American President. I agree with everyone in here, it is a spooky time we live in. It is disgusting what is going on. Here is an interesting article that I am sure will ruffle feathers, if you havent read it yet.



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Hey DB........Some of my critics here at CWT.com thought I was crazy for saying the government was behind all the shootings, and strange happenings. I still believe Obama and his henchmen are behind it all. Has anyone noticed how ,tragedy and shootings, and worldwide nonsense, has escalated under Obama's watch.


Yes sir...covert shadow Government Ops. Coming soon to a theater near you.



A political reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine sends his friend an email saying that he will have to stop communicating for a few days because he is on a huge story. A few hours later he is dead.This is the same guy that brought down a general for misconduct and ticked off the NSA and CIA.



"Hey [redacted] — the feds are interviewing my 'close friends and associates,'" reads the email, acquired Friday by KTLA-TV. "Perhaps if the authorities arrive 'BuzzFeed GQ', er HQ, may be wise to immediately request legal counsel before any conversations or interviews about our news-gathering practices or related journalism issues.
"Also: I'm onto a big story, and need to go off the radat (sic) for a bit.




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