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Fresh Pics...Nice buck

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Hey Everyone,


Just retrieved my camera. I think I have found my target for archery season. Tell me what you think he scores...I think he sheds his right antler by the last pic but I cannot really tell. I am also still trying to figure out if (in pic #2) the deer on the right is going to be a spike. Hoping to have more pics soon. Happy Hunting.









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Hey, nice pics Jack!

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nice pics!

should be findin some horns there somewhere....



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Thanks I want to get back out there and find the sheds. Had the family with me so hiking more than we had was not an option at that point. I am seriously disappointed in the lack of deer though on my camera this year. The last time I had it up was in 2011 and I had about 13 different deer (at least I think they were different haha) traveling through the area but 5 bucks for sure. Now there are just these 2 and a couple of does. Hope they haven't all been killed off or moved on.

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