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McDowell Sonoran Preserve under scrutiny again

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Michael Mayer of Scottsdale Arizona was at it again yesterday, pleading with the AZGFD commissioners to ban hunting in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. I have attended several meetings where Mr. Mayer has tried other tactics to get hunting banned. His most recent attack was to point to a park in Tucson that charges $10.00 per person entry and how wildlife viewing there is the main attraction. He proposed that banning hunting in the Preserve would enhance wildlife so that people could view them and then the economic impact would be tremendous for the state. He has attempted in the past to get hunting banned but has been pushed back numerous times. His first attempt was that he did not like seeing people in "his backyard". We pointed out to the commission that the Preserve is public land and that it is a valid use of the land. Danger came next, and we pointed out that there has never been a hunting accident in the Preserve due to archery. Now it is the economic impact and how "if you feed them and don't kill them the people will come". There was also in attendance the mayor of Carefree, who is proposing something the commission seemed more interested in... a 400 yard barrier from any lived in structure.... not a good thing. I know of no shots for mule deer or javalina that are over 100 yards, let alone 400. There needs to be a response from the public that a 400 yard barrier is not acceptable. Finally, there was a resident from Carefree who claimed that he has found hunters in his backyard... he owns 5 acres and has encountered people who are on his property... which he refuses to post as no hunting. How will the public know if there is private land if it is not posted?... The mayor stated that people move there so they would not have fences... or posting...Huh? Please let the commissioners know if you have any interest in keeping your rights to hunt the McDowell Sonoran preserve... By The Way... Jack Husted has resigned from the commission, so don;t direct any calls or e-mails to him. As of Friday, we only a a roster of 4 commissioners... BPJ

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