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more beef

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anyone not draw an elk tag that hopeing to fill the freezer and now isnt going to be able too... but would still like too. have some good homegrown beef no hormones grreat freash beef, you wont be disappointed!

1/2 or whole. drop me aline if your interested.



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How much is Half a cow?



I crack myself up

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yes 50% is correct. :)

it depends on how much the steer ends up weighing at slaughter time.... mine are a little smaller them "most" i like a nice YOUNG and TENDER animal for my personal butchering so i dont let them get 1000+ pounds, i like to slaughter at the 650-850 range....

i've got one right now that is a rolly polly, probably 650+ range.... that is about perfect for my liking.... its a little less in the freezer and a little less money. ( which is ok for me as i dont have the freezer room either for a huge old steer.... )


so it will depend if you wanted it in 2 months and it gained another 200 lbs or was slaughtered tomorrow at 650....

for argument sake lets say you wanted the 650 and we took it in tomorrow.... you get roughly 45-50% cut and wrapped meat off of the animal. so you'de get around 160 lbs of cut and wrapped meat steak/burger/roasts etc... and the price would be around $680 for half, or $1360.00 for the whole 300+ lbs of meat... this price includes cut wrapped butchering everything.... so your getting a pretty sweet deal .



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$4.25 a pound for some good homegrown beef sounds like a fine deal. I always like knowing where my meat came from and how it was treated/raised.

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Ok well I guess if I read your caption I would know that you are in Taylor..... :unsure:


So on to a better dumb question.....where is Taylor :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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taylor is 15 miles north of showlow, and 30 miles south of holbrook, or 60 miles noth east of payson, or 150 miles north east of the pheonix area......

i've got some herford cows and some black angus cows, all breed to a black angus bull.

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