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ghost hunter

Facts & Fallacies

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Here are some for the "universal" background checks being supported by Bloomberg and the Mayors Against Illegal Guns.


Fact: Universal" background checks will be a 'de facto' gun registration because you will have to submit the paperwork generated by your sale of your gun to another. Therefore, there is documentation of what guns are being sold and to who.


Fact: Recent Dept. of Justice study said that "universal" background checks will not work without gun registration.


Fact: "40% of all gun sales are conducted without a background check". This statement is based on a poll conducted in 1994. The sample was 2568 people. 251 answered the question. That's it. There is no current data or study on this issue.


Fact: Universal background checks will require the buyer or seller to pay a fee for the background check. It will most likely be in excess of $100. Since it is an "administrative fee" (just tax spelled different) it can be raised without congressional approval.


Fact: Universal background checks will place a criminal liability on all gun owners who do not comply.


Fact: Universal background checks will require that you have to get government permission to sell your legally obtained, privately owned property.


Fact: Universal background checks do nothing for the cause of this discussion: individuals suffering mental illness who possess firearms AND act out criminally with them. Maybe we have to pass the bill to see what's in it.


Fallacy: Universal background checks are based on the assumption that a criminal is honest enough to use his real identity.


Fallacy: Universal background checks are based on the assumption that all gun owners, legal or not, will not sell their firearms without submitting the sale to a background check.


Fact or Fallacy: Both sides, citing polls and surveys, claim up to 90% support their side of this issue. Its hard to dig out the truth unless you can validate the survey sampling. However, logic would dictate that if 90% of Americans supported universal background checks, Mayor Bloomberg and MAIG would not have to spend $12 million dollars on radio and TV adds in 13 different states just to convince the remaining 10%. As a side note, contrary to their adds, passing the universal background check has nothing to do with "protecting" your current gun ownership rights.


Support them or not, its your choice.


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Politicians are only fooling themselves, and the taxpayers, if they think that a background check is the answer to better gun control.


Will a person buying a gun on the black market worry about a background check?


Straw buyers?


Any alleged statistic provided by a politician of the government is nothing but hogwash. Look at the unemployment rate of 8% plus provided by the fed's. There are factors not considered in their calculations, and IMO, the unemployment rate is more likely 14-16% approx.


Gun control is about people control, and this whole thing is nothing but smoke and mirrors to make people in Washington D.C look like they are fixing a problem.


I am all for keeping the guns away from the psychologically unstable, however, the governments approach will have no means to do so.


The Democrats have been using the "90% agree with us" ploy for awhile now. It seems to be their new slight of hand approach. Sure...I bet 90% of the liberals agree with them, but not the country as a whole. I can have a poll go in my favor if I interview people who think like me. Thats how it goes. IF they polled 100% of the conservatives and gun owners, what percent would be in agreement with them? Not many!

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I don't want guns in the hands of the wrong people anymore than the next guy.


But I'm very concerned that if the "silent majority" DOESN'T speak up, congress will take that as 'support' and pass these laws. Allowing the politicians to "do something" is the same as giving them a "pass". That's why we have 20,000 gun laws on the books now.


Phone calls and e-mails are good, actual writen letters work better. Those support the gun control laws have been out there circulating petitions along with the adds.

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The Democrats don't want us to have guns at all. They know they can't make wholesale changes to our constitution, so they will chip away at the edges.


Makes me wonder how long it will be, before the Fed's decide that all gun buyers will need to submit to psychological testing before a purchase is allowed?


Bad things are coming, and our enemy is stronger, more focused, and more determined You are right on the "silent majority", more people on the left , are speaking out, compared to the right.


As far as Bloomberg and New York? That place is such a corrupted cess pool,they need to put a big wall around it, and turn it into their own little country.

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"This past Monday was April Fools' Day, and even the White House participated. Obama said he would let Americans make their own life decisions, Joe Biden said something intelligent, and Michelle Obama pretended to cancel her next 12 vacations."
-Jodi Miller

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Even the ACLU said the background checks, as currently worded, were an invasion of privacy and against the law.

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