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Banning Bazooka's!!!!

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My wife and kids were leaving the Queen Creek library a few minutes ago and she was stopped by 2 women. They Proceeded to ask her questions about "gun control/violence". Ya know the same liberal talking points about guns......She said I own guns and shoot with my husband. If they were smart you think they would realize their wasting their breath. Of course their not! So they brought up high capacity "clips"(idiots don't even know the real name). My wife who loves to shoot said, I can exchange magazines and shoot the same number of rounds almost as fast as if I had a high capacity mag. So thats an invalid point. Well they said, "gun control is different out here than in the inner city, we're trying to get BAZOOKA type weapons ban" After they said that my wife walked away.


Little do people know when you move to Queen Creek your house warming gift is a Bazooka! Man now everyones going to move here!

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You should have told them you were trying to get bed wetters and mouth breathers banned.

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