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If you didn't read the sponsor line at the end of the commercials running on Tucson TV you wouldn't know that they were produced and paid for by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Firearms. The commercials begin by telling us that Senator Jeff Flake is doing Arizona hunters a disfavor and making everyone unsafe by opposing background checks for all transfers of firearms.


There have been reports that Bloomberg paid $12 million out of his own pocket for this series of TV ads, targeting four key senators that could block the background check bill he wants.


I have never met Sen. Flake, but I did vote for him and I'm glad that he has taken a stand against so-called 'universal background checks." A better name for what Bloomberg wants is "National Gun and Gun Owners

Registration." Universal background checks will give them exactly that.



Bill Quimby



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I saw that commercial, and the second time I saw it, I knew something wasn't right. Nanny Bloomberg and the MAIG are spending big bucks on their lame commercials.

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Can someone remind Bloomberg he is just a two bit mayor and has no authority over anyone? I think I'll go get a Big Gulp in his honor.

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And...if you look closely at the guy sitting on the back of the truck with the shotgun across his lap, the action is closed and his finger is on the trigger!

Must be a relative of Feinstein's. That dumb bezoch had her finger on the trigger during her AR bashing press conference.

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Bloggers are taking New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to task, accusing him of hypocrisy for pushing strict gun control onto Americans but simultaneously seeking gun-carry exemptions for his security detail when he travels to Bermuda, where firearms are largely prohibited.

The New York Times first reported of this disparity in 2010, stating that the mayor uses taxpayer dollars to pay for two armed city officers to accompany him on get-away jaunts to Bermuda. But before he can fly them in, he has to obtain special permission so they can keep their guns: Bermuda is so anti-gun that even its own police force isn’t armed, The Times reported then.

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