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van horn barrel

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anyone have a van horn barrel on a custom that they built and how does it shoot? or should i just go with one of the big barrel makers and have him do the gunsmithing? thanks

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What are you putting it on? What's he charging for the barrel and what are the specs? There are reasons why the big boys have their reputations ... thousands of performing barrels in National Competitions. Krieger, Schneider, Brux, Lilja, Shilen, Hart, Bartlain, Pac-Nor and the like are tried and true thousands of times over.


Just sayin'

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One thing i like about big name company barrels is that they win competions and they are all the same price, you dont have to try and guess wich one to go with because its cheaper

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its a vanguard im wanting to have done with a heavy sporter countour, with action accurized! price is comparable with other smiths. i saw some of his work and was impressed just didnt know how accurate his barrels where and wanted feedback from others that have them.

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With the big barrel makers, some guys don't like the wait. If you Bing (I hate Google) an outfit called Bug Hole Barrels it will take you to a site for Southern Precision Rifle (or something like that). They stock a bunch of popular sizes and twists from 4 or 5 of the big boys, including Krieger, Rock Creek, Brux and a couple of others. Prices are very comparable to what you'd pay the manufacturer. That is where I'd go. Get a big reputable name.


Accurizing that action should not be overly tough ... it's a push feed. Probably one of the most important things to look at is the Trigger. Not sure how they are on the Vanguard/Howa Action, but I'd seriously consider a Timney. They are local, make a great trigger, and their customer service is STELLAR. I had an old hand me down Enfield with a 30 year old trigger from them that finally gave way. They replaced it FREE OF CHARGE. Guy said "If it's ours, we stand behind it ... no matter how old or if you are the second, third or fourth owner." That is what I call good. After that, you need to think about your bedding. Factory stocks and bedding notoriously SUCK. You can improve that wthl Pillar and Glass Bedding, or really improve it with an aftermarket stock AND Pillar and Glass Bedding.


Just my two cents. I know enough to be dangerous ... there are a boatload of guys on here who know a whole heck of a lot more than me. You might also want to check out some of the threads on here where guys had guns built. There are some really good smiths in the valley who have done some great work for guys on the site. Some specialize in the Remington 700 and it's clones (much easier to get right and tool for), but others do anything. If you were doing a Mauser I could give you the name of a great guy in Colorado. Van Horne has built a reputation working on Thompson single shot platforms. I know he does other stuff as well. Had him to a Muzzle Brake years back that worked well. Never hurts to shop around a bit though with a project rifle ... and get a LOT of input from guys that have had work done.

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All great info!


sjvcon can you PM me the name of a the muaser smith? My dad has an old JC Higgins 270, i believe an FN action I keep saying I am going to have it redone, barrrel, and trigger work.

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PM sent.


Good luck on this Vanguard. I hear good things about the action. Since it is the same as a Howa 1500, I know aftermarket parts are pretty well supported.

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Thanks for the responses guy! After alittle more thought and some digging on Internet I went with a broughton 5c barrel #5 flutted contour ita already in a b&c medilist stock and I have a timney trigger with tally mounts topped off with a vortex hs lr and a Kenton turret! I am still gonna have van horn do the gunsmithing just not sure if I should put a break on it! It is in 300 weatherby I will shoot it after it's finished put together and decide! I have also. Heard great things about the Howa action but alot of gunsmiths don't thread for the metric threads

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Van horn makes a good muzzle brake, have one installed when he chambers it.

He will have to center the barrel in the lathe when it's crowned and its best to have the brake aligned with the crown and bore. He can then put the finish on the brake and barrel at the same time. If you don't like it, take it off and install a thread protector.


If you shoot prone a lot have him delet the holes on the bottom of the brake.

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