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All this rain has greened everything up!

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I was out on the San Carlos in the Malay area doing owl surveys a few days ago and it was just amazing how green everything has become since the rains have hit so heavy. It's like springtime out there.


I know all you guys are tough he-men and probably don't look at the small plants out there, but I was really impressed with the amount of wildflowers I saw. Some I don't think I had seen before.


Of course I also saw lots of deer and turkeys and antelope. Saw several very large whitetail bucks just crossing roads, but didn't get any to stay still long enough for pics.


Some of the roads were pure mud and the tiniest drainages were running like rivers on some parts of the rez. I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to cross some of them. And Bee Flat is always a joy when muddy. I know many of you guys probably know exactly what I mean. My driveway is now covered in piles of rez mud that fell off my car during the rains in Globe last night.


Fall is here, the elk are rubbing and bugling and the sumac is turning colors. Hope you guys with elk tags are having a great time out there.




This photo is blurry because it's digiscoped.




These two WT does were bedded in such an open area that when we first saw them I thought they were probably mule deer. But they were just gorgeous WT does enjoying the afternoon in a beautiful spot.




One of the does looked really scruffy:




here are some flower pics:






And with this one, it's hard to see but there is a rainbow near the upper left side of the photo. It was real faint and hard to capture with a camera.
























And here is a photo of a bear skull that I found several years ago. This year it had some veg growing through it's eyesocket.





And these are some very tiny bear tracks from up by the black river. They were only an inch and a half wide or so. The marks in the mud on the upper part of the photo are tire tread tracks.





And here are couple antelope. I have seen one really monster buck on Big Prairie but haven't gotten photos of him.



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Great photos, they are amazingly clear! Thanks for posting them Amanda! B)

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Guest Ernesto C

Gggeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss Amanda you are the Best!! I should be a biologist :) Beatifull pictures as always.Thank you for sharing.


Ernesto C

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Amanda, I love the detail pictures and the pictures of everything else out in Gods beautiful world. I guess I am not manly enough, but really like the flowers, sunsets, thunderclouds, eagles, osprey pictures etc. I was out yesterday hunting doves and the flowers on the barrell cactus are just fantastic. Like Jacks picture up above, they are orange colored and great. We were out by Queen valley and man did the lighting/thunder/rain come in last night...............it was awesome. Thanks for the pictures..............Allen............

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Wow, those are some great pics guys. Glad to see many of you share my excitement at all the color in the world. Butterflies can be really tough to photograph since they never seem to stay still very long!


Here is some more color:





















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Those are some real nice pics there, Amanda.

I went out today around Apache Maid checking tanks and looking for coues tracks, and to run Rica along the ATV (gotta get her in shape so Scott does not walk her to death on the quail hunt ;) ). The snakeweed, globe mallow and indain paintbrush were in bloom.


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