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Mule Deer Foundation Raffles - #1

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Hey all - we have a couple of sweet raffles going on right now.


Larry Potterfield from Midway USA purchased 300 sets of matching knives. Here is the deal...

You purchase a set of knives for $30. With that purchase comes a ticket on a matched set of Browning A-Bolt Medallions in .257 Roberts. They are his/hers or adult/youth. One of the rifles has the smaller stock.

All of this money goes towards youth education. Half ($4500) stays right here in Arizona and will go to schools with shooting programs

Contact me for tickets. 1 in 300 is decent odds, even for a guy with my luck!





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Still have a few sets of knives we need to sell before we can draw! This is an awesome set of rifles

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how can we get them

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Hi there. Shoot me a PM and I'll send you my address. You can throw a check in the mail and I will throw the knives and a ticket in the mail back to you

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Yessir. About 60 sets left out of the 300. Once we get them all sold, we'll draw. Since we're both in QC maybe we can meet somewhere. I'm out though and will need to get them from the Mesa chapter. You can shoot me a PM. Or, ART from the Mesa chapter has been selling them every Thuursday Friday and Saturday at the Mesa Sportsmans Warehouse

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Hey all - we're down to it. Mesa Chapter has about 16 left to sell, and I have 3. We anticipate pulling the winner in the next week or two. If interested in getting one of my last 3 tickets/knife sets, shoot me a PM!

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