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Fox bowkill

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Reading rbryants post and having some down time I decide to share a picture of the fox I killed with a bow. I've had the unfortunate pleasure of calling and shooting quite a few but this is only my 2nd with a bow. I can't find the picture of the first a few years ago. Anyway I thought he had some pretty good color.


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Congratulations on the bow kill. They are pretty small to hit and now you have two under your belt. Several years ago I called 2 in while trying to call pigs and shot one with my bow as well. The second one wouldn't leave and kept barking at the one I killed. I swore I would never kill another. It got to my soft spot. Nothing wrong you killing one for sure but I've become a softy in my older years. Thanks for sharing. :)



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Awesome, thanks for sharing. They are small targets no doubt, I tried hitting a bobcat with my bow a few years ago. He was around 40 yards and all I could see was his ears moving in the tall grass. I buzzed his head, arrow went right between his ears. He jumped about 2 feet in the air and made a beeline. Cracked me up.

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If you are interested, the Bowhunting in Arizona record book has a page dedicated to list those that have taken a fox with a bow (as well as a page on coyotes and one on bobcats). The book currently shows less than 40 bowhunters that have entered a fox to the book. If you are interested in listing yours (shows hunter's name and year taken), contact me for entry information. It just requires you to fill out a Fair Chase Affidavit and mail with a check for the $20 recording fee and a photo.

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