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Have You Had Enough Yet?

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McCain made a fatal mistake to fall into Obama's trap that the economic crash was all Bushes fault. Truth is yes Bush was in charge and must be held accountable but both parties were in charge with Democrats the majority when the crash ocurred. Not challenging Obama's blame game cost McCain a chance at the presidency and also sunk Romney.


Obama has recently crossed the line of being respectful of the opposite party and is now calling Republicans dumb. Maybe they just are since they are not challenging the "dividor in chief". Republicans need to become more outspoken and give the president as much respect back as he is giving them. I'm am getting very frustrated at my Republican Party for allowing the dividor in chief to continue his lies and disrespect. We need Republican leaders with a backbone!!

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Somebody needs to look at ODUMBER right in the eye on national television and tell it like it is ... "Mr. President ... you are a Liar, a Dirtbag, and not fit to be a Citizen let alone the President of this country."

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I am hoping the GOP is coming up with a game plan, and not raising too much of a stink, before 2014. There will be Senate seats up for grabs in 2014, and the GOP needs to bring it's A game to have any hope to regain control of the the senate. The way things are going, it's a long shot. And I certainly am not getting any warm, and fuzzy feelings, on the current direction of the GOP.


Despite Obama's "Blame Game" tactics, I sincerely hope that the smart voters, are finally getting fed up with WHitehouse, and react accordingly.

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Snapshot, sorry, but at this point, I think they are both on the same team...and you and I aren't on it.

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Snapshot, sorry, but at this point, I think they are both on the same team...and you and I aren't on it.

I've heard Michael Savage say several times that Dems and Republicans are just two sides of the same coin, and that neither has the best interest of the Country and it's citizens at heart. When I see the actions of supposed Conservatives like Flake and McCain, it makes me think he's right.

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So the question is, who is YOUR leader - who, in all this political rhetoric, is speaking for you?

I can't answer for anyone but myself, but for myself, I say it's nobody.


The people I know as "We" are strong and motivated and informed. But we currently have no advocate - our voice carries no weight, our will doesn't translate into action.


We've reached a breach - a point at which proposed Federal law is opposed to Constitutional Law. As you read this, individual states are weighing the prospect of challenging Federal Law.


Just to add a back-drop, it is currently against federal law to own, possess or consume marijuana in any of our 50 states. That is federal law. But Colorado, has followed the lead of California, and now openly advocates criminal use and possession of pot.


At the same time, the same states are advocating *federal* laws that prohibit law-abiding citizens from owning what they deem as assault rifles…


If you’re not fed up with the fed taking more of your paycheck, taking away more of your rights, and ultimately trying to disarm you, you probably are asleep and not aware of what is going on around you. This is real, and it’s happening right now.


Search Google, do your research, get informed. The truth is out there, and if you choose to ignore it, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself.

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I'm plumb sick and tired of both parties. So fricken busy try to get their side, their agenda, their wild a$s ideas in place they forgot who they work for. They are supposed to being helping us, their bosses, not pushing forward an ideology that only helps their ego. They are both so busy with their playbooks they forgot the goal of the game. Fire them all and start over, get a plumber, a carpenter, a burger flipper, someone that has walked in our shoes, lived paycheck to paycheck, sweated paying all the bills. If we get people like that in office maybe we can get something done. The bulk of our politicians are rich and never worked a hard day in their life. And when they get their office they focus on lining their pockets and the pockets of their big contributors.


I'd like to see a couple of amendments:


1. No lifetime politicians, 2 terms and you are out.

2. No laws passed that Congress is exempt from, if it is good for us it is good for them. See Obamacare, their one term lifetime retirement packages, insider trading exemptions.

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I don't know that the election will be a chance to win anything again. Obama's ground game cheating force has figured out how to get hundreds of thousands of votes in the inner cities off of people living on welfare and people that do or do not even exist. How about the poll worker that claimed to have voted up to 6 times for Obama this year from absentee ballots?


Theres not much that we can do when you've got a cheating network like they do..... I think this country is going to have to hit rock bottom and go through some even worse times than we are in before we see any change for the good.

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The republican party has turned their cheek to us conservatives! They have no backbone, and are afraid to stand up against OBUMMER!! If we don't change things I am afraid we are going to lose what little bit of the US we have left. REMEMBER A LIBERAL CAN NEVER BE CHANGED THEY SPEND EVERYBODY'S MONEY, BUT THEIR OWN!!!!!

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We, the silent majority, are being steamrolled yet again.


This mentality is what I think a large portion of the problem is. We are not the majority. You guys need to get that line out of your heads. We are the minority, fighting against an ever bolder, ever increasing & ever more vocal majority that doesn't give a crap about our sweat & sacrifices, they just want to squeeze us & make us pay our 'fair share'. And now they're worse than ever, because they have a jackass, vote panderer in the White House that tells them they're being taken advantage of by all the greedy business owners.


The go-getters & butt-kickers who made this country great have largely faded into the pages of history & now we're left with complacency, lethargy & a total lack of respect for the fruits of your neighbors labor. Nobody sees the guy in the big house with a nice car & thinks, "wow, he must have really worked hard & made some sacrifices for that stuff!" They look at it & think, "Hey, why can't I have it too? I work just as hard as he does?!" When if they really took a good hard look at themselves they would see that they don't work 1/10 as hard as their neighbor does, they just like to believe they do.


51% of the people in this country pay no federal taxes at all. They get child credits & earned income credits & you're too stupid to efficiently turn oxygen into carbond dioxide so here's another $2000 credits & God knows what else, so that at the end of the year they've maybe, MAYBE, paid $2-3k into the system & what do they get? A check for $5k. Because they're 'working families' & they deserve it.


Then on the other side of the coin, you've got folks like myself that work for months without a day off, invest every dime you earn into trying to make more & provide a better life for you family & what do we get? I got to pay 30% in income tax, another 10% in sales tax & at the end of the year I got a bill to pay a little more. Sure glad I could help those folks out.


If our government doesn't want to tax them, fine, but don't steal from the rest of us & give it out for nothing.


Don't think for a minute that we are the majority. The tax records very quickly debunk that theory. If there's ever to be any hope of solving a problem, you first have to understand it. The problem here is that we are out numbered & this juvenile jackasses are really gullible enough to believe that there's enough money to make everyone middle class. The problem is that it's impossible. When everyone becomes middle class, there is no middle class, just a much larger lower class. Ask anyone who lived through Soviet Russia or any other country that has ever tried Socialism/Communism.

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