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Does Obama get it all?

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This is very upsetting but there is apparently little that the American citizen can do. Obama is about to be handed the reigns to tax as he wills. If that is the case there is not going to be much that he isn't in control of. I have read a couple of articles that say this is happening now and will be a done deal by tomorrow. I pulled this off of Breitbart's Facebook page.


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Our sources on Capitol Hill have informed us the Senate is working on a backroom deal to give President Obama nearly total control over federal spending for the rest of this fiscal year.

This is their "solution" to their self-created sequestration crisis.

Your Senators may be on the verge of ceding their constitutional authority to Obama and giving him virtually unlimited power over taxing and spending.

If this deal goes through, our "Radical-in Chief" will have almost unlimited power to raise taxes for the next seven months!

+ + GOP Senators Set to Betray Constitution!

Under this dirty, backroom deal, Obama would essentially be given full authority to raise taxes and set spending levels, because Congress would need a two-thirds vote on a "resolution of disapproval" to stop him (a near impossibility).

Top GOP Senate leaders have given their "tacit approval" to the plan, according to a Politico report that says "Republicans are now proposing that Congress surrender an important piece of its Constitutional 'power of the purse' for the last seven months of this fiscal year."

TRANSLATION: Your State Senators would cede their constitutional duty and give Obama unconstitutional powers to RAISE YOUR TAXES with NO accountability.

+ + Doorstep Of Totalitarianism

This proposed action by the Senate, with the support of Republicans, borders on treason and brings America to the doorstep of totalitarianism.

This is a clear violation of the separation of powers -- Congress is constitutionally given the authority to tax and spend. The founders separated these powers because they lived under the TYRANNY of a king who had both legislative and executive powers.

Now, Senators stand on the verge of effectively returning us to the days of King George III. But this time, it will be "King Barack" who can tax us to his liking.





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The GOP have caved in over the last 4 years, and it's only getting worse. Many of the RHino's are betrayng the right, and those of us who voted for them.

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The simple answer to your question is "NO".


Odummer does not "get it". He's never worked a real job a day in his life ... oh wait ... there was that Baskin Robbins gig, but we won't count that. The guy HATES capitalism. He hates this country. There is no other explanation for his actions.


How we got this Manchurian Candidate twice is beyond me. Polls still say a majority of Americans "like" this man, or find him "likeable". He's an arrogant, petulant child. How do you "like" that? Unbelievable. The DumbA$$ people that continue to "like" this guy need to WAKE THE F UP!!! He's out for your livlihood. He wants government control of EVERYTHING. How do people "like" that ... unless they are lazy and don't want to work hard for a living ... it may be HARD, but at least its LIVING. Life in a Nanny State isn't living ... just ask someone who comes from a Communist Nation why they wanted out.


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Our Pilot is Out of Control

Written on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 by Robert Owen


I understand that there is a very dangerous phenomenon that can occur when a pilot flies at night. With no visual clues they sometimes stop believing their instruments because their senses tell them a different story. So they make a correction based on those feelings. Suddenly things get worse, so the pilot corrects some more. Which makes thing even worse still. As I understand it, the only solution is to start correcting to what the instruments are telling them or, ultimately, the plane will plow into the ground with the expected tragic results.

That is exactly what is happening in Washington today. The country is in the control of a bevy of inexperienced theoreticians. They are highly educated. And because they are so smart and educated they think they know all the answers. Just about none of these people have ever owned a business, started a business, financed a business, been an executive in someone else’s business, or met a payroll. In other words, they are flying by the seat of their pants.

They all have similar educational backgrounds. They were educated in expensive liberal institutions. Therefore, in any given situation, they are pretty much in full agreement on solutions. A dissenting voice is seldom heard. If one is heard, I will bet it is drowned out by a very loud consensus.

If they had experience outside of government, or even inside government as a governor or big city mayor, that experience would act as their instrument panel. It would tell them when things are flying straight and true. If a change was needed, that instrument panel would tell them if they were making things better or worse.

But we have a pilot with no instruments to guide him. He doesn’t even have a map or compass to steer by. He is solely guided by his own self-assurance that he knows the way and that he is on course. His crew is so enraptured of him that they feel that their job is to whisper in his ear that he is a great man and he is most certainly correct in all that he does.

The problem that is created here is that if our pilot makes a correction and the expected results are not forthcoming, he is convinced that he did not make a large enough correction. He is in the spiral of needing to spend more money, therefore needing to acquire more money. Tax and borrow, the spiral continues. I’m sure he feels this is only a temporary measure until the business climate revives.

But at the same time, his regulators are increasing the amount of regulations, paper work, permits, and fees that weigh on business, whether a start up or an established enterprise.

It reminds me of a joke that I used to say to my kids. “The beatings will continue until morale improves.” Small business is taking a beating that they cannot endure. I read where the president of Subway said “in today’s business climate there would be no Subway”. I may not have the wording exact but that is the essence of his thoughts

What worries me most is that we are just at the start of our pilots second four years. I see no sign of a change for the better. As a matter of fact he is making things worse with his “the sky is falling” campaign over sequester. Why does he and his cohorts have to use the politics of fear. It is not honest. It is not right. And, it most certainly is not presidential.

At a time when the country needs calm reflection and statesmanship, we are getting just the opposite. Standing and shouting that every problem is because of those evil Republicans is getting old and wearing thin. Are there no adults in the Democrat party that can go to the President and make an effort to try to save the country before it plows into the ground? Apparently not



Read more: http://patriotupdate.com/articles/our-pilot-is-out-of-control/#ixzz2Mg7vD0lz

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Baby cry Obama is stamping his pouty feet in the sand box. Since he had to sign the sequester, he has made it a point to make sure all the "Sky is falling" fear mongering, over the sequester is true. The Whitehouse is making sure that spending cuts are looking as horrendous as they predicted. More false posturing and bluster.


But hey ....we have lots of extra money for Egypt




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It would be worth $250M if they delivered it via Hellfire Missile.

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The fact that we are giving money to Egypt is a JOKE. Just like giving Soros' company in Brazil $2B to explore Off Shore Oil, all the while denying American Companies the rights to drill in our waters.


Our government is broken. Hopefully not irrevokably, but things sure aren't looking good with that petulant child at the helm.


Good ridance Chavez ... you won't be missed in my house.

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A leaked email from an Agriculture Department field officer adds fuel to claims President Obama's political strategy is to make the billions in recent federal budget cuts as painful as possible to win the public opinion battle against Republicans.

The email, circulated around Capitol Hill, was sent Monday by Charles Brown, a director at the agency’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service office in Raleigh, N.C. He appears to tell his regional team about a response to his recent question on the amount of latitude he has in making cuts.

According to the partially redactedexternal-link.png email, the response came from the Agriculture Department’s budget office and in part states: “However you manage that reduction, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be.”

The response noted that the administration had already told Congress that the APHIS would “eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states in managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture industry” without additional funds.

Arkansas Republican Rep. Tim Griffin said the administration’s response to Brown’s email shows a bid to undermine efforts to replace the cuts, known as sequester, with less onerous ones.

“This email confirms what many Americans have suspected: The Obama administration is doing everything they can to make sure their worst predictions come true and to maximize the pain of the sequester cuts for political gain,” Griffin said in a statement.

Griffin told Fox News on Wednesday that the bosses effectively said, “you can’t do anything that is inconsistent with the negative impact that we’ve told everybody these cuts are going to have.”

An Agriculture Department spokesman said Wednesday that Brown's suggestions had already been included in the agency's sequestration plan and in the administration's fiscal 2013 budget.

Under the 2011 deal reached by Obama and Congress, the cuts are supposed to be across the board, meaning government officials have limited flexibility in moving around money.

The administration in recent weeks has made doomsday predictions about the impact of the cuts. And the White House so far has appeared unwilling to accept a Republican offer to give the president more autonomy in making the cuts, covering $85 billion this fiscal year, to help reduce the impact on some of the most essential or hardest-hit programs or agencies.

Some political strategists say the president hopes the cuts hurt enough to compel Republican lawmakers seeking re-election next year to end them by agreeing to more tax increases.

On Sunday, Gene Sperling, the White House’s top economic adviser, suggested Republicans would indeed make this decision.

“Our hope is, as more Republicans start to see this pain in their own districts, they will choose bipartisan compromise over this absolutist position,” he said.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, during a House hearing Tuesday, was asked by South Dakota Republican Rep. Kristi Noem about the Brown email.

Vilsack said he was unaware of the email, but denied the administration has a policy of being inflexible and maximizing the cuts’ impact.

“I wouldn’t say that we’ve said no to flexibility,” Vilsack said. “But there are certain circumstances where we don’t have flexibility.”

“I’m hopeful that isn’t an agenda that has been put forward," Noem said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/06/leaked-email-adds-fuel-to-claims-white-house-playing-politics-over-impact-cuts/#ixzz2MmCcUYTi

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The biggest problem is that Obama is winning the propaganda war with the American public. From many poll results the average guy thinks this is all the Republican's fault.

On another note......I saw a Fox News Poll that said a majority of American citizens are ok with drone strikes authorized by our government on American citizens. I am in the minority if this poll is accurate. As an American these people are entitled to due process. When some government official oks a drone strike on a citizen that person has been denied due process and is guilty without a trial.

IMO that is a clear violation of their constitutional rights. And yet they will get away with it. We are no longer a free nation.

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Obama invited some of the rank and file members of the GOP to dinner. Makes me wonder what this turdball is up to now. The GOP said they are optimistic about working with Obama. Seeeesh, these suckers really fell for it. Obama will do an end around at some point. Just a word of advice to the GOP......"Don't drop the soap when Obama is around"

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Politics on Tap

Written on Friday, March 8, 2013 by Rodney Lee Conover


Sad news out of South America this week – cancer in Venezuela died after a long struggle with Hugo Chavez. Sean Penn’s moustache is at half-mast, while Oliver Stone and Danny Glover are spending the rest of the week in mourning, counting they money they’ve accumulated in the very country which coincidentally was Hugo Chavez’ sworn enemy.

North Korea has threatened to nullify the armistice which ended The Korean War if the United States and South Korea carry on with joint military drills. Over 10,000 US and 200,000 South Korean troops are taking part and officials in Pyongyang say unless it stops, they will cancel the Korean War ceasefire agreement. Not only that, Kim Jong-un has vowed to launch a nuclear attack on Los Angeles and San Francisco, calling it a “pre-emptive strike”. Wow – way to go Rodman.

By keeping his filibuster against the confirmation of John Brennan going through prime time, Rand Paul forced ABC, CBS, and NBC to actually cover the issue of Eric Holder’s refusal to answer straight questions on drones. Meanwhile, John McCain called Rand Paul’s efforts; “a political stunt.” Of course, he said the same thing about The Monroe Doctrine.

But the big controversy is how some Senators had dinner with Obama instead of supporting Paul Rand, who needed some time to rest his voice during the filibuster. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Jerry Moran came in to give Paul a break. Even Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon joined in the filibuster. Meanwhile, John McCain went to eat dinner with the President, and proposed going before 4:30PM, which would also help with the sequester cuts. It’s a win-win.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s re-election campaign this week put up a video of a person wearing a Mitch McConnell mask, dancing to the “Harlem Shake.” Now there’s one way to get rid of a stupid fad.

A new policy that was created in consultation with groups which include Planned Parenthood of Illinois, will require Chicago Public School kindergarteners to get sex education beginning in 2015. The children, or as Planned Parenthood describes them; “the ones that got away” are to receive instruction on “healthy choices” to “guide them throughout their lives.” The program will be available to kids as young as nineteen trimesters.

Private companies hired more people than expected in February and suggests economic activity is picking up in the US. Employers added 198,000 jobs last month, beating the expected increase of 170,000. Especially good was construction hiring, where payrolls rose by 21,000 jobs. I blame George Bush.

Can we finally admit we elected someone based on the color of their skin? I’m talking, of course, about John Boehner… Orange is in – have you checked out Snookie?

Washington State Representative Ed Orcutt says riding bicycles causes more pollution than cars, because the increased heart rate and respiration from riding a bike results in larger emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Using this logic, people in the backseats of parked cars would really be the big polluters I would think. I have no evidence to back up my claim, but kinda like Ed there in Washington, that never stops me. The whole incident has inspired Al Gore to make a new documentary, entitled; “Lance Armstrong Hates Earth.”



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