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They're in big trouble.....

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EEK!!!!! I just got buck fever! Heck if I was in a stand and had that dink show up I'd be shakin', let alone hoping the deer wouldn't notice the sound of urine as it was falling from my stand if that big boy was right there! JEEZ man nice dang buck!

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It is hard to tell in the picture since it is so small but the last pic is not the same buck as the few above it. Similar mass but it is a nontypical. I think Andy and I are going to tag team these deer. One of us will be sitting this stand every daylight hour. I originally thought I'd shoot the first decent 3 point that showed up but with these two big bucks coming in now I'm going to have to hold out. I'll probably miss anyway since I'll be all dizzy.


I'm not sure if this picture will post but if it does feel free to tell me what you think of this buck's mass at the bases. I can't figure out how big he is except that he's big enough for me.






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Wish I was an archer with a tag and some time!

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GACK,SPEW,COUGH/CHOKE......WHOOOOOOO......Those are some AWESOME bucks, hope you guys get the chance to run an arrow thru those guys, man I'm not sure I could keep it together enough to make the shot, and I thought I had some good bucks at my stand!!!!


Later and good luck,


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What is the minimum for Pope & Young?


Coues' Deer, Typical 65

*Coues' Deer, Non-Typical 80



Outstanding bucks~ Thanks for sharing the pics.



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WOW!!!!!!! What a toad! That gets the blood going.


From the 1st post all I see are a bunch of red x's but I do see the buck Redbeard posted. At that angle, it is kind of hard to tell if he has a 4th tine on the left side? Awesome mass and bases on that guy! That is what my dreams are made of.


Good luck to you both! I hope you get to ground check him.

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