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DHS - What are the up to?

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Anyone paying attention knows that DHS has placed huge orders for ammo and guns - estimates range from 750 million to 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, huge purchases of MP-40's and M4's (classified as Person Defense Weapons). Meanwhile, every Wal Mart or sporting goods store is completely out of ammo.


So, who is DHS? Why do they need this kind of firepower? Are they fighting wars on foreign soil? This is how DHS defines themselves on dhs.gov:


The vision of homeland security is to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.

There are five homeland security missions:
1.Prevent terrorism and enhancing security;
2.Secure and manage our borders;
3.Enforce and administer our immigration laws;
4.Safeguard and secure cyberspace;
5.Ensure resilience to disasters;


So, it's pretty much all internal, right?


We need to ask ourselves why DHS needs this to serve an arrest warrant:


We also need to ask why DHS has specifically requested realistic targets depicting pregnant women, elderly citizens and children to teach "No More Hesitation" when shooting upon American civilians.




And if you're not convinced yet, watch this all the way...



I could post additional links all day, but there is no need. Anyone with an internet connection, a keyboard and monitor (and a brain) can see exactly what is happening.

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Meanwhile keep the sheep tied to their handouts and doped up.


Scary stuff Coach.

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The first amount of ammo ordered that I heard/read was 26.1 million. That was enough to make me stop and go eh???. Now people are saying 450 million, 750 million, now 1.6 billion. Keeping the locals under-gunned is a possibility, but I put more faith in Obama using Nappy, to order a 10 year supply to keep the rest of us from being able to buy any.


The priority list for ammo manufactures is: Military 1st, LE 2nd, the rest of us 3rd. Pretty logical if you ask me. So...they are monopolizing all the ammo to do what?


-slow the sale of guns because its no fun having a new gun if you cant shoot it, or


-try and slow down all the street shootings cuz even the gangers are/will be running out of ammo soon, or


-as you speculated in the beginning, they are trying to out-gun the locals.


Personally, I dont give the govt, credit for thinking of the second choice, the 3rd one is scarry, so I'll go with number 1.


If any of these amounts are true, when we contact our congressmen about our positions on gun control, we need to have them, particularily the ones in the House who are on the budget committee, to get Nappy in front of them and justify why she's ordering so much.

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Guess Who Is Featured on New DHS Targets? YOU!

Written on Friday, February 22, 2013 by Ralph Barker


The Department of Homeland Security has purchased $2,000,000 worth of new targets. These are not just any targets either. They are not the ones that most of us think of with the concentric circles and a bulls-eye. These targets feature real people, like you.

Some feature photos of pregnant women, little boys and girls, and senior citizens. All of these people, even the children, are pictured brandishing a gun. I wasn’t aware that people, people like you and me, are now the suspects of future violence. We are now apparently a major concern of DHS. Why?

Remember that recently many government agencies purchased millions of rounds of ammunition. Even unlikely agencies such as Social Security, the National Marine Fisheries Service, Department of Education, and the Internal Revenue Service are stocking up. We have to at least suspect that the federal government is anticipating some kind of civil unrest. If that occurs law enforcement may be called upon to shoot citizens.

This may seem unthinkable, but shooting American citizens has already happened quite a few times that I recall. There was Ruby Ridge, David Koresh and his followers in Waco, Texas, and the Kent State massacre that happened in Kent, Ohio. In my estimation most of these were mass executions. Obviously, the courts don’t agree with me. Regardless, American citizens were shot and killed by our government.

There is another aspect to this story too. These “no more hesitation” targets, as they are called, are also brainwashing tools. They are tools that will help desensitize law enforcement officers so they won’t hesitate when called upon to shoot American citizens. That time may be nearer than we think. I hope you have not been desensitized. I hope you are as shocked and outraged as I am that our government is doing this.

WND, previously Worldnet Daily, has a video on their site that features an interview with a representative of the company, Law Enforcement Training, Inc, that manufactures the targets. It is located here. The company admits they are selling these targets to government agencies. This is not a hoax.

There is some good news. Due to the pressure from the public and even the law enforcement community, the company, Law Enforcement Training, Inc, has apologized and taken down the targets from the Internet. It is still unclear whether or not they will continue to be sold to DHS and other agencies. But, this is a start and shows public pressure still counts.

The American people have already been desensitized to so many things. What was considered porn in the 1950s and 60s is now displayed on family time television and on the front of mainstream magazines. Nudity doesn’t get much attention anymore. Neither does living together outside of marriage, extramarital sex, drug use, homosexuality, or the most bloody violence.

Yes, we’ve been desensitized. We live in the new normal that, at least according to biblical standards, is abnormal, destructive, and sinful.

It is a victory to see the targets exposed and withdrawn from the Internet, but this doesn’t change the agenda and we still don’t know who will continue to get the targets. The plan probably still is to desensitize our law enforcers even further. To shoot a pregnant woman or child should cause no more hesitation than shooting the bulls-eye on a traditional target the thinking goes. We no longer have to have a bulls-eye on our backs. We are the bulls-eye.

Life is getting cheaper by the day in this country.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. – Thomas Jefferson.




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I have friends in the ammunition business and word has the postal service is buying alot also. Along with other govt. agencies. Hmm?

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  On 2/23/2013 at 4:09 AM, antlers said:
I have friends in the ammunition business and word has the postal service is buying alot also. Along with other govt. agencies. Hmm?

Makes me wonder where the post office would get the money, considering the financial woes they have?......but then again I guess bullets are more imprtant than budget.

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Meanwhile at border patrol stations there is No extra ammo for agents to practice with! There hasn't been practice ammo in a couple of years. So if agents want to practice, they have to buy their own ammo and then go pay to shoot at a range with their own money. And to top it off, border patrol, agents are facing a 40% pay cut starting March 1st.


Let the invasion begin!

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wouldn't civil unrest be a great reason to cancel an election and extend a presidency?


Casey I don't know u well just from here on the forum, but Lance weve met a few times and have a mutual friend here in Chino. Everytime I here about something crazy happening on the border I'm relieved to find out both of you are ok. Looks like scary times ahead.

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Well DHS is a large Department, that encompasses other agencies within it. It isn't to surprising to me that DHS has purchased these guns and ammo. As the U.S. Coast Guard is part of DHS too and they are a militarized agency. They used the weapons described. I have heard a lot of enforcement agencies are making big purchases to keep thier supplies adequate, due the current buy up of the similar ammo.

Also, a lot of federal agencies have armed law enforcement officers for certain protections and/or criminal investigations. Which might explain ammo purchases in seemingly unlikely agencies.

Like AZLance eluded too, they all have to practice too and maintain certifications annually. That uses up a lot of ammo.


I've seen the Marine SSgt interview, before....yeah scary. Makes me think about the PATRIOT Act, bye bye civil liberties.

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Stocking up cause they're gonna try and get rid of the 2nd amendment and there won't be any ammunition manufacturing left.

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