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Big Browns

Pmags for sale

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Nothing wrong with making a few bucks. That is the way our economy and the law of supply and demand works. If this type of sale bothers anyone, particularly on this site, I would encourage you to evaluate your political beliefs. If you claim to be conservative, but have problems with such a sale, isn't your belief more liberal than conservative?


Moreover, Magpul's cost to make these is probably less than $.50 per mag. Yet I imagine they sell them to retailers for around $10, a mark up of 2000%. Where is the proportionate outrage in contrast to the individual trying to make a 100% profit?


Sorry PRDTAR, I don't mean to unleash all my venting on you, but I have seen this type of condemnation a lot lately, and think people need to make certain they are not being hypocritical and understand all the different economic factors at play. Just wanted to get my $.02 in on the subject.

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Nothing wrong with making a few bucks. That is the way our economy and the law of supply and demand works. If this type of sale bothers anyone, particularly on this site, I would encourage you to evaluate your political beliefs. If you claim to be conservative, but have problems with such a sale, isn't your belief more liberal than conservative?


Moreover, Magpul's cost to make these is probably less than $.50. Yet I imagine they sell them to retailers for around $10, a mark up of 2000%. Where is you proportionate outrage in contrast to someone trying to make a 100% profit?


Sorry PRDTAR, I don't mean to unleash all my venting on you in, but I have seen this type of condemnation a lot lately and think people need to make certain they are not being hypocritical and understand all the different economic factors at play. Just wanted to get my $.02 in on the subject.

Agreed and well said.

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I have 2 left! I would be willing to trade one pmag for a 5 round mag if anyone has one they don't need!



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