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Our delightful President....has nominated Sally Jewell to become the next Secretary of the Interior. This may not seem like a big deal but this is a bigger deal than one might initially think, she is an eco-nut and if you like wilderness areas then you will love this lady...get ready for a nightmare.





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Yeah, it's already getting ugly. On one hand we've got states trying to out-do eachother with stricter gun laws, on the other you've got other states and local sherrifs saying they won't enforce any Federal law that circumvents the Constitution. In the middle are all the lawyers trying to figure out whether states can, in fact enforce federal law, and, if so, whether they have to. Not to mention the millions of "pry it from my cold dead hands" folks just waiting for someone to light the fuse of the proverbial tinderbox.

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Yeah, it's already getting ugly. On one hand we've got states trying to out-do eachother with stricter gun laws, on the other you've got other states and local sherrifs saying they won't enforce any Federal law that circumvents the Constitution. In the middle are all the lawyers trying to figure out whether states can, in fact enforce federal law, and, if so, whether they have to. Not to mention the millions of "pry it from my cold dead hands" folks just waiting for someone to light the fuse of the proverbial tinderbox.


So true. This administration knows exactly what it is doing and they are backing us into a corner. Over a billion rounds of hollow point ammo in the last year bought by DHS, are you kidding me? My sense is we are witnessing a giant transformation of our nation and they are going to be the ones who light that tinderbox. If they get the gun laws passed and squeeze the market on ammo and independent gun manufacturers then this is it.

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Yeah Packer, and they aren't just buying up ammo. They recently placed an order for a boatload of M4's, characterized in the paperwork as "Personal Defense Weapons" - of course these are the same people who say an AR-15 is not a viable "self defense" weapon.


So by their own terminoligy, an AR-15 is too dangerous for us to own, and has no place in defending your home and family, but a fully-automatic M4 is a PDW, as far as the DHS is concerned - as long as it's in their hands.

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Obama would love a Civil uprising. It would give him the chance to kill the type of people he doesn't want in this country. Gun owning, Republican conservatives.


Once Obama gets all his chess pieces in place, he will go for the checkmate, and drop the hammer on us.


The next 4 years will be the worst this country has ever seen.

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They are now telling us it is legal for them to kill US citizens without a trial. Just fly a drone over their head and kill them in their own house.


HS is not the only one buying ammo and guns. The IRS is stock piling too.

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