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galiuro mountain man

Couple more down

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I havent had much time to get out after yotes this year, but there are a couple more down. I dumped one on my first stand and one on my third. The wind started blowing and it was tough in the afternoon so I packed up. This makes 10 total for 3 mornings so far.

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No pictures? I went out yesterday around Lake Pleasant, but didnt have any luck calling them in.

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I got a couple I can share, but the rest are kind of bad. I built my LBC for larger game and tested it on coyotes. Both shots were about 120yds with 95gr V Max bullets @ 2780 fps. First pic was today 3rd stand, 2nd was the first blood from the rifle. I did not move the one today, but I had to move the first blood shot as this caliber is not so "fur friendly". Didnt remember my phone on the first dog today, but would have had a hard time getting a good photo because of the mess.



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"MY" deer are the only reason I started shooting coyotes again. Five years ago we werent seeing fawns, or really any bucks and does either. We were seeing 4-5 dogs off the main roads a day, every day. We decided to change things and after 200+ coyotes we have deer back where they should be. The coyotes are getting harder to call, but the deer are making a come back in the area. We rarely see a coyote chasing fawns, or anywhere for a freebee and the deer are more settled here, even if they see us driving in.

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Thanks for sharing your success story on the comeback of your deer herds in your area by thinning out the coyotes. That's a lot of coyotes for sure. I know I hear way more coyotes than I use to while out hunting and I suppose I do need to thin a few myself. I love listening and seeing them while I"m out but I do believe they need to be put in check since the steel traps have been outlawed on public land. Thanks for sharing. :)



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There is a definate difference in the amount of deer here. We go out to this area about once a week and fart around all year long, but if we spot a coyote in the little area we know the deer are in it is pretty bad for the coyote. Since trapping was removed in the 90s I had seen a great deal more coyotes and decided that I had to do something. The first year we hit the dogs hard (in 07-08 winter) I shot 67 with 3 other guys behind me at 48, 28 and 13. Now it is just maintaining numbers, and trying to keep up. In 07 from Oct to end of Jan08, we saw a grand total for one day of 23 deer. Now it isnt uncommon to see in the 60s for mule deer and at least 1/8 bucks in Dec through Jan. The biggest thing we noticed was the number of fawns to does in the last couple of years. It is starting to look better out here.

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How is that LBC upper? I'm looking at buying one and have heard good things! Nice lookin rifle and awesome knockin the yotes out!!!

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I really like the 264, it is pinpoint accurate with just about any load. I built mine with a Rock River upper and a Black Hole Weaponry barrel. I ended up having to put an adjustable gas block on it to slow the cycling down. Overall, I think it is my favorite caliber to shoot, more power than 223 but not any more kick.

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