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Pine Donkey

Great gun show

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Not sure the City can ban private gun sales anyways. The idiots in charge down in the Tucson area would if they could I'm sure.

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Not sure the City can ban private gun sales anyways. The idiots in charge down in the Tucson area would if they could I'm sure.


Yeah...especially Special K. I used to really like him and was glad to see him get elected due to common sense, then he did a complete 180 even before he decided to switch parties. Incidentally, I think if you're elected under one party and then switch parties you should forfeit the elected position. Sorry to sidetrack the thread...

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My bad Couesaz, I forgot to put in the words "on city property"...thanks for catching that. The community center is owned by the city and hosts a couple large shows each year.


You hit the nail on the head Bigorange, it is Special K who is promoting this. I am so glad I have nothing to do with that city. That waste millions on a stupid trolley system to revitalize downtown, but then they subsidize the rent for soup kitchens and community are associations, both of which attract the homeless, thus making the area less desirable to people who may have some money to spend. Now they are chasing away gun owners.


The city leaders in Tucson are idiots! They are probably qualified to be federal politically appointees.

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Today was the first time I saw it on the news. I don't know all the meat of it but it said on the news it is a mandatory back ground check for any gun sold on city owned or city maintained property. Still lots of private property around to buy and sell guns on in my mind. No matter what it's just more preasure under the thumb of stupid politicians. And nudging in the shoulder of infringement on our God given rights.

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My hope is that the county will hold out...then the fairgrounds gun shows will be bigger and better...and there's always the private venues like the RV dealers and casinos ...

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And when people go they need to eat at the show not at outside places. Then the city will have an idea what kind of money the shows bring in.

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I hope they move the gun show out of Tucson city limits because then they will notice a big drop in sales tax, rent, parking revenue, local eating establishments will also see a drop in revenue, etc, etc. Its just like a politician to cut their noses off to spite their faces.

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