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Questioning the afterlife

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I grew up in a mixed religious home. Part Methodist, part agnostic. In my teens I was introduced to the Fellowship of Christian Atheletes. Through that organization I got in touch with my spiritual self and identity as a Christian.


As years pass, I find myself still praying, but less confident my prayers are heard. I used to believe with all of my heart in all the things prayer and faith have to offer.


I don't know what changed. Lately I feel like my life is just days stacked on top of eachother, and when I die, it is just another flame burning out, no more existence except what I have left behind.


Not sure why I'm posting this. Maybe I don't have a religious figure in my life, and I'm hoping for some guidance to get back on track. I want to learn how to believe again.

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My simple advice- Start by forgetting yourself and serving others. That is what our Maker did his whole life. This will help you be in tuned to what his will is for you. I don't know you, but have read your posts and I believe you have much to offer. Good luck!



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Seems like human lives have seasons that come and go...winter comes and things die, so that there can be new life...God may be preparing you for a new, fresh, faith...don't give up, there is another season of life that will come and with it, new understanding!

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I feel the same way coach. I think a lot of it for me is that i have lost faith in mankind. Seems the world we live in is becoming soo messed up and evil. That in turn makes me feel like praying is doing no good. At times like that i stop and just look what is around me and how blessed my life is and then i realize that god is watching over me and still there. My kids are great and i raise them the way the bible tells me to.


I know it might not be right but i am done worrying about the souls of those around me. People are who they are and i am not going to try to change them. I am just going to live and let live. It truly is a sad thing this world we live in. So many people are just pure evil anymore. Trying to live a traditional christian moral life seems to be frowned upon and for why????

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Coach I have read many of your posts and replies to others posts. You give good advice and help others with your answers. My turn to try answer yours. I pray often throughout the day. Some of my prayers are answered and some are not. Soemtimes what I pray for is not what our father intends for us. It is hard not to question our faith when we see the news and read of the tragedies going on in the world. Sandy Hook is one example that has my daughter questioning her faith. Evil will always be around us. That is just the way it is. The promise our father gave us is life everlasting. We will have trials and struggle. That is way life is. It helps us appreciate the gifts we have. I think we all have questioned our faith at one time or another. It is human nature. I hope you find you find your answers and come back to your faith. I am praying for you.<br /><br />We have never met but you have helped in MANY things about hunting from boots to shooting. I thank you for the advice and look forward to hearing more.

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Nice to see so many positive responses and support. Truth is Coach I think there are probably a few others out here (myself included) the share some of your feelings.

I think those thoughts and feelings come up on us especially after a life changing event. I haven't set foot in a church since my daughter passed a few years back but I somehow know she is up there watching over me.

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I can totally relate. God pulled me out of drug addiction and alcoholism over 30 years ago. I served Him in many capacities. I drifted away for spells but always came back. Over the last 3 years due to various circumstances I lost both parents, my wife left me and a 34 year long marriage ended in divorce, lost my business and nearly everything else that I had in this world. It is very difficult to believe in a loving God when you have been stripped of all you have and your prayers may as well be directed to the wall.


Still, deep inside I know He hears and cares. It is difficult to understand or accept things. The prophet Isaiah wrote "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

I don't understand but as difficult as it is we must hang on to the hope and belief that He will do what He says He will do. It is all I have.

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I drowned in Alaska in 1983 and was saved by the only other fisherman on the river by a 15# test line on my last trip to the bottom. It felt great. No cold, no fear, no panic just a very good feeling. It helped me to live as good a life as I can, help others and enjoy the time I have been given. When my Dad was in hospice he and the old lady across the hall kept talking to long dead relatives just like they were in the room. I am not religious but really lost my fear of dying. I figure if I help others and do what I can to leave a print all is good. I pray once in a while but mostly I am talking to my dead relatives. There has always been evil people in the world so I figure the mass murders and kids dying is part of our existence.

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Coach, these men offer some great advice for you, and here's my 2 cents. I think we all go through times of struggles where we feel "lost" and in a way, disconnected. Those are the times we need to hunker down, pray, and let God show us the way. I've been there, felt lost and just couldn't find a way to connect. The best way to overcome this is to get into God's word. Reading through the Bible and attending church. I know it sounds so simple, but sometimes we don't make going to church on a consistent basis a priority. Then one missed Sunday leads to another, and before we know it we've just stopped going.


Sometimes with the events happening in the world around us, it's hard to continue to believe. It's hard to stand by our faith. Like Mocha's daughter, after Sandy Hook, I too was wondering why God would let that happen. I even asked my wife, and she gave me a great response. Her response was that God gave us all free will, and the choice to choose good or evil. Some people choose the wrong path, as the Sandy Hook shooter did. But if God were to step in and save the day every time somebody chose evil, we wouldn't have that free will. God wants us to choose him, his path, and to be his light for the world. It's through that choice that we are saved.


Whenever I'm feeling down and having my doubts, I look at my life, and see the many ways God has blessed me. There are many events in my life that can only be explained by miracles from God. I know I'm following God's will for my life, and that he has placed me exactly where I'm at for a specific reason. That reason is still to be known, but I know in my heart of hearts that God will will have His will done in my life.


Sorry for the long post here, but one last thing. Getting together with other men who are believers in Christ and share your faith is a great way to stay connected. Accountability groups, or just getting together for coffee once a month and talking about your life and your faith. Could make a big difference.

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Hey Coach, I hear you. I grew up in a Baptist home. Even though I am not extremely religous, I believe in God, and I am afraid of God. I pray for simple things, I pray for others, and I pray that this country will change for the better. Its seems that the Liberal army is trying to destroy Christianity and the way of life that I grew up beleiving in.


Our belief comes from within, and nobody can take it away...unless we let them.


Five years ago when the economy was really starting to tank, I watched the destruction of my life in slow motion. Almost overnight, work dried up for my business which was construction related. I had to go to work for others until I got laid off twice. I could not find enough work(jobs) to meet my financial obligations, and the bank was not willing to help. I held out as long as I could but in the end, I lost everything.My wife at the time did nothing to help, except to blame me for everything, she had sex with another man while we were married, and then packed up and left me to deal with a very difficult situtation by myself. Everything I had ever worked for, hoped for, and dreamed of.....was gone.


That was a time in my life when I really felt like putting that gun barrel up against my head and ending the fear and misery.


What kept me from doing it? My fear of God, and losing my place in heaven.


When my Dad died in 2006, it really took the wind out of my sails. I am still here because I will not do anything to shame my fathers name, or lose my opportunity to see him again on the other side.


That is what keeps me going. Even though I am flawed and fallible, I try to stay on the path as best I can. That is all I can do. Even though life has been a struggle, I put my soul in God's hands, and whatever his plan maybe. I don't know where my path will lead, and sometime I feel like a lost soul out of place, and my prayers have not been answered. Only God knows, and he has his reasons, even if I don't know what they are.


Keep the faith Brother!

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Coach, these men offer some great advice for you, and here's my 2 cents. I think we all go through times of struggles where we feel "lost" and in a way, disconnected. Those are the times we need to hunker down, pray, and let God show us the way. I've been there, felt lost and just couldn't find a way to connect. The best way to overcome this is to get into God's word. Reading through the Bible and attending church. I know it sounds so simple, but sometimes we don't make going to church on a consistent basis a priority. Then one missed Sunday leads to another, and before we know it we've just stopped going.


Sometimes with the events happening in the world around us, it's hard to continue to believe. It's hard to stand by our faith. Like Mocha's daughter, after Sandy Hook, I too was wondering why God would let that happen. I even asked my wife, and she gave me a great response. Her response was that God gave us all free will, and the choice to choose good or evil. Some people choose the wrong path, as the Sandy Hook shooter did. But if God were to step in and save the day every time somebody chose evil, we wouldn't have that free will. God wants us to choose him, his path, and to be his light for the world. It's through that choice that we are saved.


Whenever I'm feeling down and having my doubts, I look at my life, and see the many ways God has blessed me. There are many events in my life that can only be explained by miracles from God. I know I'm following God's will for my life, and that he has placed me exactly where I'm at for a specific reason. That reason is still to be known, but I know in my heart of hearts that God will will have His will done in my life.


Sorry for the long post here, but one last thing. Getting together with other men who are believers in Christ and share your faith is a great way to stay connected. Accountability groups, or just getting together for coffee once a month and talking about your life and your faith. Could make a big difference.


Great advice offered by many in this thread, but I think the first and last paragraph in the post are your best way to a stronger faith. Daily reading of the bible will influence your life (or anyone else's) in a positive way. And finding supportive believers will help during times of doubt.


There are apps for smart phones that help set up a reading plan for the bible. That way, you can have it with you always and use those short moments that show up during your day (waiting in line somewhere, waiting for a meeting to start, or breaks in baseball/football games you watching). The apps will let you set up a plan for reading certain parts of or all of the bible and will send you reminders when you get behind. The one I use is YouVersion the bible app. You just never know when a verse will offer the wisdom you need for a particular situation you are facing.

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The words of this poem say it better than I ever could. I know that we have a Father in Heaven. Just like has been said he allows us to choose.


The Race


attributed to Dr. D.H. "Dee" Groberg


Whenever I start to hang my head in front of failures face,

my downward fall is broken by the memory of a race.

A childrens race, young boys, young men; how I remember well,

excitement sure, but also fear, it wasnt hard to tell.

They all lined up so full of hope, each thought to win that race

or tie for first, or if not that, at least take second place.

Their parents watched from off the side, each cheering for their son,

and each boy hoped to show his folks that he would be the one.


The whistle blew and off they flew, like chariots of fire,

to win, to be the hero there, was each young boys desire.

One boy in particular, whose dad was in the crowd,

was running in the lead and thought My dad will be so proud.

But as he speeded down the field and crossed a shallow dip,

the little boy who thought hed win, lost his step and slipped.

Trying hard to catch himself, his arms flew everyplace,

and midst the laughter of the crowd he fell flat on his face.

As he fell, his hope fell too; he couldnt win it now.

Humiliated, he just wished to disappear somehow.


But as he fell his dad stood up and showed his anxious face,

which to the boy so clearly said, Get up and win that race!

He quickly rose, no damage done, behind a bit thats all,

and ran with all his mind and might to make up for his fall.

So anxious to restore himself, to catch up and to win,

his mind went faster than his legs. He slipped and fell again.

He wished that he had quit before with only one disgrace.

Im hopeless as a runner now, I shouldnt try to race.


But through the laughing crowd he searched and found his fathers face

with a steady look that said again, Get up and win that race!

So he jumped up to try again, ten yards behind the last.

If Im to gain those yards, he thought, Ive got to run real fast!

Exceeding everything he had, he regained eight, then ten...

but trying hard to catch the lead, he slipped and fell again.

Defeat! He lay there silently. A tear dropped from his eye.

Theres no sense running anymore! Three strikes Im out! Why try?

Ive lost, so whats the use? he thought. Ill live with my disgrace.

But then he thought about his dad, who soon hed have to face.


Get up, an echo sounded low, you havent lost at all,

for all you have to do to win is rise each time you fall.

Get up! the echo urged him on, Get up and take your place!

You were not meant for failure here! Get up and win that race!

So, up he rose to run once more, refusing to forfeit,

and he resolved that win or lose, at least he wouldnt quit.

So far behind the others now, the most hed ever been,

still he gave it all he had and ran like he could win.

Three times hed fallen stumbling, three times he rose again.

Too far behind to hope to win, he still ran to the end.


They cheered another boy who crossed the line and won first place,

head high and proud and happy -- no falling, no disgrace.

But, when the fallen youngster crossed the line, in last place,

the crowd gave him a greater cheer for finishing the race.

And even though he came in last with head bowed low, unproud,

you would have thought hed won the race, to listen to the crowd.

And to his dad he sadly said, I didnt do so well.

To me, you won, his father said. You rose each time you fell.


And now when things seem dark and bleak and difficult to face,

the memory of that little boy helps me in my own race.

For all of life is like that race, with ups and downs and all.

And all you have to do to win is rise each time you fall.

And when depression and despair shout loudly in my face,

another voice within me says, Get up and win that race!

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I too have gone through periods of struggle in my life. Times when I just didn't feel anything. I have found that the Christian life is like hunting. Yep sure is!


Lets say that you drew a "Strip" deer tag. I am guessing that you would prepare by physical training, shooting your rifle and doing all the research that you could. When you arrived on the Strip, you would spend all daylight hours hiking and glassing. You would hunt with everything that you had, you would give it your all. When you finally shot a buck you would "feel" the success. This is real hunting!


I am guessing that you wouldn't after drawing a "Strip" deer tag, drive up opening day and road hunt hoping that a big buck walks across the road and stops 40 yards off the road and lets you shoot him. This is road hunting. This isn't you!


The Christian life is the same. The preparation is Bible reading, prayer and spending time with like-minded believers. If you go after your Christian life in the same way that you hunt, you will be successful. If you road hunt the Christian life you might not be successful.







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I too have gone through periods of struggle in my life. Times when I just didn't feel anything. I have found that the Christian life is like hunting. Yep sure is!


Lets say that you drew a "Strip" deer tag. I am guessing that you would prepare by physical training, shooting your rifle and doing all the research that you could. When you arrived on the Strip, you would spend all daylight hours hiking and glassing. You would hunt with everything that you had, you would give it your all. When you finally shot a buck you would "feel" the success. This is real hunting!


I am guessing that you wouldn't after drawing a "Strip" deer tag, drive up opening day and road hunt hoping that a big buck walks across the road and stops 40 yards off the road and lets you shoot him. This is road hunting. This isn't you!


The Christian life is the same. The preparation is Bible reading, prayer and spending time with like-minded believers. If you go after your Christian life in the same way that you hunt, you will be successful. If you road hunt the Christian life you might not be successful.


Now I like the way you put that! Very nice.

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