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Santana Outdoors

Valentines gift for the little lady

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Anyone that is looking to get their wife or girlfriend into hiking or hunting really needs to give this pack a try.


I spent a great deal of money buying different packs for my wife before the Kali came out but it is the pack my wife fell in love with. I will tell you men out there don't plan to use it as I tried it on as soon as it showed up and it's uncomfortable as all get out. But that's the point, it wasn't built for us but for her. If I've learned anything making her as comfortable as I can she enjoys coming out hunting more. I'll also add that she used it to pack out her first & second coues deer that both were over 3 miles from the truck.




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No pack ever created will get my wife out on a hunting trip....unless it has built in massagers....maybe. <_<

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I use to think that too Viper. But I caught on early that if I needed to spoil her to get her out hunting, then by golly, that's what I'll do.


I cringe at the cash register when i need to pick up any new gear for myself, but I won't bat an eye if she needs something and gladly pay for it grinning from ear to ear. I've gone as far to buy my wife more rifles than I have just to find one that works best for her. (we won't count my colleciton of bows vs. hers :) )


In the end, there's something to be said about sitting on the hillside with the love of your life glassing for some critter to chase.

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Well I can vouch personally for the pack, I went thru several before I found this "woman's" pack. Won't need to try anything else!! Just wished that someone would make some women's clothing that is "functional"!!

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Well I can vouch personally for the pack, I went thru several before I found this "woman's" pack. Won't need to try anything else!! Just wished that someone would make some women's clothing that is "functional"!!


Try She Outdoors Apparel and She Safari.

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Prdatr, I have and also Prios. I have several sets but my biggest complaint is that they make tiny breast pockets that are worthless. I can not get my rangefinder in it, much less a hunting license!! Oh, they fit wonderfully, but I am out there to hunt, not look fashionable. :)

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Thanks for all the feedback. I know that my wife has one that I got her and she loves it, has no complaints. She loves to get out and enjoy the back country as much as I do, and that pack was the perfect addition. Anyway, was just a suggestion in case anyone needed an idea for gifts. Thanks again.

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I use to think that too Viper. But I caught on early that if I needed to spoil her to get her out hunting, then by golly, that's what I'll do.


I cringe at the cash register when i need to pick up any new gear for myself, but I won't bat an eye if she needs something and gladly pay for it grinning from ear to ear. I've gone as far to buy my wife more rifles than I have just to find one that works best for her. (we won't count my colleciton of bows vs. hers :) )


In the end, there's something to be said about sitting on the hillside with the love of your life glassing for some critter to chase.


Believe me, over 30 years of marriage I have tried everything. And over 30 years of marriage she has developed less of an interest. It aint happenin'. She likes her "me time" (shopping) when I'm gone.

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