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First Alaskan Story (King Salmon)

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Well I caught alot of Kings this year and 1 broke my new St. Croix Avid 8 weight but I still landed it. It was my largest King of the year in the 40 to 45 pound range. Guiding my clients biggest king was in the 50 to 55 pound range and the biggest King from the lodge was in the 65 to 70 pound range. All the fishing was site fishing which made alot of fun. I found out that the Kings are super stubborn and the only way to catch them is to keep slapping the fly in there face til they get so angry they have to hit it.


Here is my very first King. It is a chrome hen in the 20 to 25 pound range and is about the average king that we catch.





This is my second King I caught. It is a buck that had been in freshwater for a while and was starting to turn red. This guy weighed in the 35 pound range.




This was my biggest king of the year and it is also the one that snapped my rod. I fought him for 30 minutes and he took a big run and snapped my rod. I then fought him for another 10 minutes with my new and improved 3 foot 1 piece 8 weight before I landed him. This guy was in the 40 to 45 pound range and is super red. I also landed this fish with an 8 pound test leader.





This is a picture of me with one of my clients and the biggest fish I guided to. It is a 50 to 55 pound buck that was pretty red but still in good shape. It took about 90 minutes to land.





This was the largest king caught from the lodge this year. It is an estimated 65 to 70 pound buck. It is really red but it still took over 2 hours to land on an 10 weight with 30 pound test leader. Sadly I was not the one to catch this monster.




Here are some more pictures of Kings.


This is a picture of 2 Kings and a trout in the creek.





This is a picture of 1 King and a trout in the same stretch the next day.





This is a picture of a different salmon as the picture above only 5 minutes later.





This is a picture of an ariel King during a 30 minute fight.



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Great Pics!!! Thanks for posting. your really young to be a guide so I'm sure your gonna be great!!!!

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dude! those are some sweet pics and stories...keep them coming. It sure looks like you had a heck of a time...

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Coues 7 I started guiding at the age of 17 this summer and turned 18 a few weeks later. I am hoping I turn into a great guide.

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Great Pics, looks like you had a great time.

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Awesome Christian. Great pics and some super good looking fish. Can't wait for your next post ;)

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That looks like some fun time fishin for sure! thanks for the pics !

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That first pick looks like an EGG-SUCKING LEECH? THe #1 FLY IN ALASKA>>>>>>


I've busted of some 10lb rainbows on the that FLY.

Welcome back to the 'lower forty eight'


Tight lines- nice Fish = Did you get to battle any Silvers ?


Nothing like those 'smolt' pattterns to get em' fired up!





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AZP&Y I was able to catch all 5 species of salmon this summer. I will pics of all the species up later on dont you worry. And that is the famous egg sucking leach. Black bunny strip folded over on top of black cactus chenille with a lead wrapped body and dumbell eyes with pink cactus chenille wrapped around the dumbell eyes all on a 1/0 hook with 2 size 5 splitshot up the line about a foot. Very heavy rigs but the fish are down deep.

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