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Daughters jr pig hunt

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Well after a long month of chasing pigs and deer with my wife and friends I was ready for yesterday. We had some pigs that were spookier than all get out that we wanted a little redemption on,,,so what better way than to have your daughter blast one with a .270 right? Having too many tests at school we had to wait 'til afternoon to head out. At our first glassing point we had cows everywhwere= no pigs. So we travel higher up this mountain of rock. I no sooner get "the boys" on the tripod and I spot a lone pig way out there. So eventually the rest show up eat a little and move onto a thicket that the wife can cover all angles from. My daughter and I load up what we need and off we drop off this mountain. \ that is about the angle of this rock pile. We get to the bottom and the wind is perfect, ground is quiet from rain the day before and we keep closing the distance. Wife lets me know they are feeding to the right of us so I get her set up on the tripod with a shooting v and they start to funnel thru. She doesn't shoot? Dads always look from your kids or wifes point of view. That extra foot is the difference of seeing and not. I pick out the next opening that she can shoot from( I think)...nope just tops of backs.Ok I got this figured out now..next clearing will be perfect...if they stop. Nope they all trotted right thru. Plan D... stay above with the wind in our favor and find a bigger clearing. Look look look..nothing. Woof! Gun up on tripod and Im looking. I can't see it! Next thing I know Cristal swings to the right and as soon as I barely see it...BOOM! That bore did a backflip and rolled 5 feet and took a dirt nap. After numerous blown stalks and string jumping in the archery hunt it felt good watching my girl roll that pig. Now did I mention my wife can"t drive my jeep. Yup back up / that steep @$$ rockpile to the jeep. After some pics we dragged it a couple hundred yards and loaded it up and here came the rain.Being the well prepared father i am my knives were at home. Don't make that oops very often. It did let me weigh the pig on the hoof. 61 pounds! She has beat me by 2 pounds after 3 pigs to my countless. Don't know if we can beat my wifes 69 pounds from last year but maybe one day. This rain is gonna suck today for all the juniors out hunting. easy to track if it quits. Good luck kids and parents....Toby

Yeah she is planking with a javelina I love a kid with a sense of humor



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Way to go Cristal! Congrats, that's a big 'ol javi! Love the side-by-side picture!!!

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Hey Toby, nice write up and congrats to Cristal on a great looking boar. I sure do enjoy reading stories like this about families hunting together and youth hunters getting to experience such a memorable experience. Nicely done.

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