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I almost hope he does some sort of ban by executive order in order to speed up his removal.


Fast and Furious


2nd amendment


no budget

By-passing congress on immigration

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WOW, I guess since his buddy Ted Kennedy died he now hangs out with gun grabber extraordinaire Chuck and Duck Schumer. They teamed up for a new amnesty bill.


McLame needs to retire.



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WOW, I guess since his buddy Ted Kennedy died he now hangs out with gun grabber extraordinaire Chuck and Duck Schumer. They teamed up for a new amnesty bill.


McLame needs to retire.



McCain is NOT a Conservative. Never was. There are a lot of "Progressive" Republicans ... what the Media likes to call Rhinos. Remember back in 2004, when there were rumors this great "Republican" was going to be John Kerry's Running Mate. I've disliked the man ever since. Yes ... I voted for him in 2008 ... I had no other choice at that time. Even though I have not been pleased with the guy's Senate voting record, who he's sponsored Bills with (Drunk, Murdering Dirtbag Kennedy), what he's stood for ... but at least I guess I went out and voted. Rather have voted for someone who had a Conservative Mindset ... but it was either the Rhino or the Chicago Dirtbag ... and the Dirtbag won.

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Yes as much as I hate to admit it the socialists would not be currently controlling and destroying our country if the Republicans had come up with a better candidate than McCain in 2008.

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Unfortunately, I don't think anyone was going to beat Odummer in '08. Bush 43 had screwed things up in many ways during his Second Term. He became Progressive with his Medicare Reforms and he let the situations with the Banks dictate a HUGE recovery package. Both of these things added HUGE to the Budget Deficit and cost our kids a part of their future. He also mishandled the issues of immigration and both wars ... in both cases he took his eye off the ball and they got out of control. Probably the most damaging thing is that he DID NOT FIGHT BACK using his position and media exposure with S-BAGS like Reid, Pelosi, Odummer and H. ROTTEN Clinton pointed all the blame at him. In some cases ... Pelosi to be certain ... you could have levied charges of Sedition. No one the Republicans put up in '08 was going to win. How Odummer got his nod is dumbfounding ... but McCain was a sacraficial lamb from the start. And he knew it. He didn't want the job of President ... why else would he choose Palin when there were so many more well qualified VP Candidates? The tragedy is after 4 years of Chicago Politics, we had less Republicans show up for 2012 than in 2008. FOR A BETTER CANDIDATE. Sure, Romney had some warts ... just like any other candidate. There is NO perfect candidiate. But this country needed a level headed business mind trying to get it back on track. Instead, we have a corrupt, Socialist, Ultra Left Wing Community Organizer ... a man whose NEVER HAD REAL EMPLOYMENT ... running us deeper into the ground.


This country is becoming something other than what I grew up in, and definitely other than what the Founders intended it to be. I'll argue until my dying breath that our foundations are strong. It's what the Goverment has grown into that has made our coutry weak. Its the power held by the Central Bank. Its the power exerted by the huge conglomerates on politicians. Its the Lobby Groups representing big money interests, wacko environmental interests, and yes ... foreign governments in pushing laws that favor them and their interests. Those are the things that have corrupted the system. The foundation is still good ... the rest of it ... well ... it has TERMITES ... of the bueraucrat and politician variety.

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Did you know that Feinsteins AWB bill exempts all Gov't officials? It's unbelievable.

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Yes as much as I hate to admit it the socialists would not be currently controlling and destroying our country if the Republicans had come up with a better candidate than McCain in 2008.

Most "republicans" don't not stand for the values the claim to represent. McStain..... They just stand around and get rich while the commies take over and run a muck! None of them are really saying much, cowards!!! Barry, Read, media, they just steam roll'em! I think their in on it. Very few opposing voices!!

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What else is new 'Bull. All of the laws passed by those crooked b'tards exempts them. Look at ObamaFraud (Care).


Amendment 28 will never get passed, because they are all self serving, greed motivated pr_cks. "Congress shall pass no law for which it's members are exempt." Think ANY of them would do that? Maybe Paul Gosar or someone like him. That type would, because they are not reliant on the Government to provide their livelihood forever. They have had, and can have, private sector employment.


Think Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid (and I would say Kerry ... but he got ANOTHER Government job) would vote for that. Not a chance in heck. We ... the public ... have the only power to fire them. Problem is that in their Districts, the public is too stupid to realize they are being screwed. That is the problem all around. Me ... when McCain was up I voted a write in. Knew he had slim or no chance, but didn't want a lifer back in office if it was because of my one vote. With Flake, I had little choice. The perception was that Odummer's boy Carmona was cutting it close. No way I was giving Odummer another seat at the Senate Table.


We'd do well to fire the incumbents everywhere and somehow make it a rule that you can't run if you don't already have a JOB that isn't somehow involved with the corrupt Government.

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That cannot be true, It is illegal to take a gun outside of your house in chicago. No way anyone could get shot standing on the street. They must have shot her from Iowa or Indiana.

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Let's give a big round of applause for Obama's stupidity. The man is cluelless about money or economics.....but man.... does he want to change the USA with gun control and green cards. EPIC FAIL!




Actually, I believe this is just what the Socialist wanted. Notice in the article that are saying they are afraid of spending cuts that are scheduled to take place this year....never let a crisis go to waste. We can't go on with theses cuts because we'll start a recession. More Obamaphones and gov't checks for everyone!!!!!

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You mean someone broke the guns laws in Chicago. You mean the LAW does not prevent CRIME? Just prevents the lawful from defending themselves.


Shooting in Phoenix today ... gal in my office says "See ... another shooting." She knows I am a 2nd Amendment Advocate. People really are THAT STUPID folks. And she's former Military.


Starting to see your point about a Conspiracy Snapshot. Wonder how many other shootings will take place today while the Senate has its witch hunt ... I mean "hearings".

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The 12Ds of “Progressivism”: Liberals at Their Worst

Written on Monday, January 28, 2013 by Sean Aland


In 1832 Noah Webster stated “f the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted”.

The Democratic Party—the so-called progressive party—is not only corrupt but is wedded to what I call the 12 D’s of progressivism: Deny, Defy, Distort, Deceive, Discredit, Demonize, Distract, Discourage, Destroy, Do, Disagree, Disclose. In this day and age, as politics becomes more and more corrupt, the political tactics recommended by Saul Alinsky have been perfected by today’s progressive democrats. Not only that, they are now widely used by our liberals throughout our celebrity society.

We have gone from civil discourse, to uncivil, to corrupt in just three administrations. One can pinpoint when the new tactics started: in the early 90’s during the Clinton’s first presidential campaign as they established a “bimbo eruptions team”. Hillary Clinton, who was the brains of the outfit, used her expertise gained from Saul Alinski’s book “Rules for Radicals” to usher in a whole new strategy on how to deal with opposing individuals and ideas. No doubt her expertise revealed in her college thesis was put to good use as she rewrote the rule book for the Clinton camp.

Take any politician today, especially a democrat, who gets in trouble and see how many of the 12 D’s they employ. To enable the strategy you need to have a news media that is no longer objective, and panders to those in power, while pushing their own agenda in concert with the politicians. No doubt the mainstream media has sold its soul to the DNC. The media has become the de facto Public Relations arm of the Democrat Party, Obama Whitehouse, and liberals in general. Pravda would be proud.

With the media’s assistance, anytime liberals find themselves in an embarrassing or compromising situation, they simply employ the “12D’s of progressivism.

1. DENY. Deny the facts while claiming that the issue in question has nothing to do with the evidence at hand. Common weasel wording includes such lines as: there is an “on-going investigation and I cannot comment on it”. Also deny being part of what has taken place. Bill Clinton’s famous denial ‘I did not have sex with that woman…” is an example of this tactic. Obama’s denials concerning the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya is another example.

2. DEFY. Display artificial indignation and claim to be a victim, even when the opposition has photos, video, recordings and witnesses proving their story to be factual. Then play the beleaguered victim while hurling accusations at the accusers.

3. DISTORT. Cloud the facts, bend the truth, and blame everything on someone else (e.g. the previous administration). With this tactic it is important to use some facts, but not the whole truth and to bend the truth in the desired direction. Mainstream media surrogates make this easier.

4. DECEIVE. When necessary, lie. Go on the attack with the most offensive story possible. Offer up counter accusations to throw the opposition off balance. According to Alinski, if your enemy is spending his time defending himself, he can’t pursue accusations against you.

5. DISCREDIT. Create doubt about the opposition’s integrity, honor, character, proof, witnesses, video, or photos through lies, distortions, and counter-accusations—preferably aided by the mainstream media. Get the media on message with talking points and “Key phrases”.

6. DEMONIZE. Accuse and label the opposition. Use the old “they want …” line and fill in the blank from the following menu: They want… to starve kids, to take medicine away from old people, pollute the water and air, live large while others starve, keep it all for themselves, let people to die while they profit, etc. Over the past four years the Obama administration has used the following terms to describe the opposition: “malicious”, “insensitive”, “evil”, “hostile”, “threatening, “the enemy”, and “flat earthers” to name just a few. Class warfare is an effective aspect of this tactic.

7. DISTRACT. Create another crisis such as the fiscal cliff debacle, to distract people from the real story (e.g. Benghazi, etc.). Create a “war on…” women, children, the poor or blame it all on something else such as a video or anything else that will distract observers from the real issue.

8. DISCOURAGE. Threaten the opposition with dire consequences. Get the media to join in by echoing the threat. To see firsthand this tactic in practice watch CNBC or MSNBC.

9. DESTROY. Engage in character assassination. Go after any aspect of their life that might be vulnerable—nothing is off limits—and use maximum intimidation while claiming the opposition is “mean spirited” and engages in the “politics of personal destruction.” Divide and conquer the opposition by pitting them against each other.

10. DO. Press you agenda while the opposition is distracted by your tactics. As the media adds to the distraction by covering your distortions and misdirection, make as much progress advancing your agenda as possible.

11. DISAGREE. Continue to disagree about the facts no matter what happens. Disagree vehemently and loudly with anyone in the opposition no matter how obvious the validity of their claims may be. Follow Hillary Clinton lead in giving testimony on the Benghazi debacle: pound the table in indignation. Look directly at the camera and with all of the artificial sincerity you can muster, claim your innocence.

12. DISCLOSE. Acknowledge the facts of the case but only when the trial is over, the election is won, statute of limitations has passed, you don’t think it will matter anymore, or the book deal payoff is big enough. Finally, admit the truth but make light of it as if the matter is of little importance—after all it happened so long ago. Do not admit to any responsibility, and show no remorse.

These are the tactics that make up the grand strategy of today’s so-called progressive democrats. Observe liberal democrats during Obama’s second term and I believe you will find that Noah Webster was right!






Snapshot, how come you use this site for your political rants? It is suppose to be for issues pertaining to hunting. There are plenty of web sites out there that would love your input.


So you don't like Obama, well neither do I. But he got elected again because the GOP couldn't get their act together, so get over it.

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There is a political forum on this site for a reason: political discussions.


If someone doesn't like them, they are welcome to stay in the hunting forums & not open them.


Snapshot is very emotional on the topic, but he brings up some good points. The republican picks in 08 were a joke. The dems were out to snatch up votes by 'making history' with either a woman or a black. The republicans tried to counter by 'making history' w/ a woman. IN the end, the whole thing was like watching a very bad episode of American Idol (bad being a relative term, since I think they all suck). Neither party presented a viable candidate but the dems got minorities & the progressive/it's hip to be pc college age kids (18-25) out in record numbers. I don't know if they won the election or not, but they definetely won the 'show' in our hero-worshipping, cultureless country.

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