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I'm going to pick your brain

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Yesterday I was out checking/setting my cage traps and came upon this. I actually got my foot tangled up in it while carrying my stuff, and fell and cracked my knee and shoulder pretty hard. This copper wire (string) was wrapped around 4 Saguaro cactus making a large square, 10 strands, about 6-8 feet off the ground. There was a section on the ground that I tripped on (could not see it cause it blends in so well with the desert floor). In the center of the square was an aluminum steak that a few strands were attached to. I took as much of the wire as I could find, as I did not want anyone or anything else to get tangled up in it. The wire weighs just over a pound. This is about 200 yards off a paved road very close to Mesa on the Tonto Forrest. My neighbor who has done some work on the border swears someone made an antenna booster for a drug drop. Amanda cant think of anything. The game and fish lady could not think of anything. The guy at the Forrest Service did not know anything.
Pictures were taken this morning after I removed the majority of the wire yesterday. Did not have my camera when I found it.


Any guesses? Lets hear them.

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Antenna booster sounds like a pretty good thought on what it could be. I'm not sure, but that wire is probably not cheap!

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Perhaps an antenna booster or a Faraday Cage to eliminate signal interferance.


Strange to find it in the middle of nowhere, was there a trailcam or anything like that around ?


As you mentionned, it may be for a drop site, with that much copper it may light up on a radar.

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Mesa seems a little to close for a drop spot! Never know, but I would think you would find drop spots further away from the city.


Did you manage to get anything in your traps?

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Mesa seems a little to close for a drop spot! Never know, but I would think you would find drop spots further away from the city.


Did you manage to get anything in your traps?



Mesa seems a little to close for a drop spot! Never know, but I would think you would find drop spots further away from the city.


Did you manage to get anything in your traps?

NO trailcamera except mine. Yes, I did get a fox.

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