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LF: Verizon Wireless Droids.

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Hey guys/gals, I am looking for a Verizon Wireless Droid. Please no Iphones or Blackberrys.


I am not picky on the Droid, all I care about is that the screen is not shattered or cracked, it has a battery that won't die constantly, has a clean ESN# and can be activated, and the camera works on it. Not really looking to spend over 100$ but I will take into account any accesories you have with the phone (cases, chargers, extra batteries, ect.)


Please message me here if you have a spare phone layin around and would like to get a little cash for it.


Let me know, I really appreciate it.





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amazon sells used phones.... I think I saw a galaxy s3 for a 100$



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Thanks James. I was actually comin here to delete this. Found an HTC Thunderbolt, 2 batteries, Otterbox case, Original box and books, and charger for 75$ lol. Couldn't beat it! Now I just have to get used to the size of the phone and touchscreen stuff but so far it's a bad to the bone phone :)

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