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"promise to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States"...When did they start doing that? Too bad lying while taking the oath of office isnt a felony offense? Oh well, gas prices are down!

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Just love that when I saw this post I knew who posted it. This country is in a world of trouble. What Republican is going to win an election when this free loader society just keeps getting bigger. I feel sorry for my children.

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Well, I never thought I would say this but I would trade Obama for Hillary without question.

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They won't be sick of him because he is going to continue to hand out as much free crap as he can then tell everyone the boogie man is going to take it way if they don't vote looney left.


And I think Obama thew Hillary under the bus to keep her out of the White House. He'll have his own hand pick commie to continue his doctrine. He doesn't want the guy that signed welfare reform and balanced the deficit back in charge.

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A volatile Harry Reid has given Republican Senators 24-36 hours to agree to filibuster reform or he'll trigger the so-called "nuclear option." The controversial tactic would allow him to change Senate rules with a simple-majority vote.


Back in 2005, when he was the Senate minority leader, Reid vehemently opposed Republicans using the nuclear option saying, This is about removing the last check in Washington against complete abuse of power.


Times have changed, and Reid knows that to fully implement Obamas radical agenda, he must bully Senate Republicans into compliance, and hes willing to "go nuclear" to achieve his means.


+ + Only 24-36 Hours To Impact The Senate


Reids threat of the nuclear option is not a sure thing. In fact, he's received pushback from centrist Democrats.


Thats why, during this critical 24- to 36-hour window, Grassfire is sounding the alarm for team members to fax their Senators to oppose Reids partisan political power grab.



Just days ago, a gleeful Reid told President Obama, We are going to change the rules around here. They change. So Mr. President, we are going to go ahead and change these rules.


But back in 2005, it was Harry Reid who said he would Never, ever consider breaking the rules to change the rules.

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