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Archery desert buck down

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My 2013 deer season has come to an end but I am happy with the outcome. I shot this buck last nite right at dark. I got up to my glassing point around 2:30. As I sat there glassing the big ocotillo flat I couldn't turn up a buck. I was glassing up doe after doe and the occasional big herd of 8 to 10 does. But I knew that all I needed was a little luck and and that one hot doe to change everything. Right as the sun was starting to dip behind the mountains, I glassed up two does coming out of a thick wash and right on there butt was this buck and he was pushing hard. As soon as I saw him I made up my mind that he was a shooter. When I first saw the buck he was far and I thought there was no way I had enough time to put on a stalk. But he kept pushing my way and hung up on a little ridge, that I thought I could get to. They were about 700 yards away so I packed up my binocs and tripod and decided I had nothing to loose, I had to try. So I ran down the hill thinking there's no way I'm going to make it in time. As soon as I got to my land mark I put up my 10s in hope of finding them again and right away I found a doe and then another doe and right behind her was my buck, Bingo! I ranged them and my rangefinder read 169 yards. Ok now to close the gap. I could tell the direction they were headed and right behind me was a little wash that would put me out of sight of the deer and get me within bow range. So I crept back into the wash, as soon as I was out of sight I took off running again as quietly as possible of course, but I was also in a race against the sun so I had to go for broke on this one. Once I got to where I thought they would cross I slowed down knocked an arrow and crept out of the wash, as soon as I get about 10 steps out of the wash I see a does head pop over the ridge. Holy crap I got lucky again! She starts walking right towards me and right behind her is the buck. So I set my feet and slowly bring my bow up so I can rest my rangefinder on it. I hit the doe with the rangefinder as she goes through my lane and it reads 43 yards.I slowly let down the rangefinder,hook up my release to my loop, and slowly draw. The buck is coming right behind her and right as he enters my lane I let out a real soft mouth grunt, he stops perfect in the lane but stops and then quarters to me. I panic a little cause he is quartered to me but I know I can slip the arrow into the vitals, so I settle the pin, the bow goes off and my arrow hits right where I was aiming. The buck jumps 5 feet in the air and takes off on a death run. I sit there for a minute replaying what had just happend. Then I start to doubt myself, should I have taken that shot, should I have grunted at him,did I rush the shot? The woulda coulda shoulda starts to go through my mind. So I walk up to where he was standing and there's blood everywhere. I could see blood 20 yards in front of me and I'm color blind. So I decide to track him thinking he's going to be piled up right away. I got excited and pushed to fast and ended up bumping him out of his bed. I know better then that and I still did it. The walk back to the truck in the dark was me cussing at myself the whole way cause I just knew I blew it. As soon as I could get cell service I called my dad to tell him what had happend and he reassured me that with that much blood he didn't think the buck could go far. It made me feel better, but I was still very worried all night. I know that you should never push an animal but I got excited and made a mistake and learned a very valuable lesson. So this afternoon after rushing through work, my dad,good friend Ernie Olivas and I got back on the the trail and found him 100 yards from where I bumped him. The only catch was the coyotes got to him and completely devoured him. All that was left was bones the neck and hide. I think the cape is ruined so I don't think I can even mount him unless I find a cape. But I'm not complaining it was a very fun and rewarding January in the Arizona desert once again!



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Great buck! Its shame that the coyotes got to him but it happens! Great trophy anyway!

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That's a great buck. It sounds like you have a good place to call some dogs since you have filled your deer tag.

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Congratulations on a nice buck. It's to bad you lost the meat but on the other hand you followed up and have a very nice trophy for your effort. Archery hunting is full of woulda coulda shoulda and it will happen to anyone who continues to chase deer with a bow. Thanks for sharing.



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Great Buck. Amazing how everything came together. Sorry the coyotes got to him first.

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Congrats on your buck.

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