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well...i dont use decoys at all...i really dont know much about that here in az....but my guess is that it wouldnt make that big of a difference. during the rut it might be useful, but during the early and mid hunts i dont think it will be a difference maker. it might spark a little curiosity from a deer, but they aint gonna be all over it...i like to find a good vantage point and glass and it prolly goes the same with plenty of other people...jus glass and locate the deer...i usually wait till they bed down before i will make a stalk...unless you can cut them off while they are on the move. if u wanna still hunt...walk slowly, and try not too make any noise...jus move slowly and stop every 100 yards and wait a few minutes before moving again...it can be effective...but be ready...always use your binos..they are your most important tool...to answer the advantages part i think decoys would be a waist of money especially during the early hunt...i cant see any advantages to that...but the other methods of spot and stalk and still hunting...are good to use, but can be diificult...if u can i would invest in a good treestand and find "your" own honey hole...the key to that is getting out in the woods and putting miles on your boots...jus maybe you will find your own spot...it is always possible...you just got to work for it....good luck on your scouting and hunting trips

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Personally, I think if they are around a water hole they are going to come in sooner or later and I don't want to leave my scent all over the area. I just want to sneak in and sneak out..... If you are still hunting around a water source you need to be part ninja.....



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