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Outcome of the Game & Fish meeting today????

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Wow, very unfortunate...I'm thinking being our neighbor is starting to rub off, as it sounds like something our commission would do!

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G&F is a joke! They got the bait ----What's next?? It seems like the bow hunters always get the shaft. Well without baiting, our deer population should triple since bow hunters won't be as successful , is that the g&f idea? What a joke, based on no scientific data in the state! Talk about going to heck in a handbasket !! I had little respect for G&F before this, now I have NONE!!!!

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You bunch of cry babies!! Hate for any of you to actually have to hunt. You all bit(h and complain about everything anyone does. If it isn't the g and f its the road hunters or the guy who shoots 800 yards or the illegals or the guy who was in your tree stand before you. If you spent half the energy you do on complaining while hunting you would need to buy 400 lbs of corn to keep in the shed. ( By the way that guy sounds like a moonshiner if any law enforcement is reading). Just hunt!!

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the main problem I see is the wording and why they had to add these 2 items into law -



A-3.Any lure, attractant, or cover scent containing any cervid urine.


C,-Place any substance, device, or object in, on, or by any water source to prevent wildlife from using that water source


no urine is simple to understand- though its BS


"C" is way to open for interpitation than i like - it could mean anything and anywhere near water - BUT - not much is really gonna" prevent" animals from watering


I really believe this was aimed at all the postings online the last couple of yrs.

It's sad when they"the commission " let a few influence their decissions . Yes it was a done deal the moment it was put on paper!


I agree 100% with " SHAME ON YOU COMMISSIONERS" especially your actions and temperment during the discussion!

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If you didn't atleast participate in the process, (letters, attending the meeting, speaking up for for your fellow sportsman) then I really don't think you have anything to complain about... There was NO scarifice by Hunters/Sportsman of AZ yesterday! Everyone had "somewhere else" to be... One Lawyer, or One guy with a bit of Good scientific data, or a room PACKED with sportsman might have caused them to at least pause! There were maybe a 100 folks that sent letters and/or spoke for our rights as hunters... the rest are nothing more than Lazy in my book! Thank you to all who tried!!


I honestly don't care that it is gone... I've done it (baited) in most years since the late 90's, but have not spilled an ounce of bait this last years' hunting seasons and I fought as hard as any to preserve the right simply because of the kids, women, elderly, and handicapped folks it is gunna affect most. Some day as an aging man I will be forced out of the archery game by rule changes that were voted into place yesterday, shame on any of you who stood with you hands in your pockets... It was never about how You do it or how I do it... it was about them dividing and conquering us... and they won. I will still kill deer... I have learn alot about coues deer in the last 15 years... I will still kiil deer legally. That is where I am headed as soon as I click "Post"... Good Hunting and Good Luck!

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the main problem I see is the wording and why they had to add these 2 items into law -



A-3.Any lure, attractant, or cover scent containing any cervid urine.


C,-Place any substance, device, or object in, on, or by any water source to prevent wildlife from using that water source


no urine is simple to understand- though its BS


"C" is way to open for interpitation than i like - it could mean anything and anywhere near water - BUT - not much is really gonna" prevent" animals from watering


I really believe this was aimed at all the postings online the last couple of yrs.

It's sad when they"the commission " let a few influence their decissions . Yes it was a done deal the moment it was put on paper!


I agree 100% with " SHAME ON YOU COMMISSIONERS" especially your actions and temperment during the discussion!

C. Is there because a former Commissioner found radios being used at night on water catchments to keep wildlife away so they could setup an ambush at first light.

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If you didn't atleast participate in the process, (letters, attending the meeting, speaking up for for your fellow sportsman) then I really don't think you have anything to complain about... There was NO scarifice by Hunters/Sportsman of AZ yesterday! Everyone had "somewhere else" to be... One Lawyer, or One guy with a bit of Good scientific data, or a room PACKED with sportsman might have caused them to at least pause! There were maybe a 100 folks that sent letters and/or spoke for our rights as hunters... the rest are nothing more than Lazy in my book! Thank you to all who tried!!


I honestly don't care that it is gone... I've done it (baited) in most years since the late 90's, but have not spilled an ounce of bait this last years' hunting seasons and I fought as hard as any to preserve the right simply because of the kids, women, elderly, and handicapped folks it is gunna affect most. Some day as an aging man I will be forced out of the archery game by rule changes that were voted into place yesterday, shame on any of you who stood with you hands in your pockets... It was never about how You do it or how I do it... it was about them dividing and conquering us... and they won. I will still kill deer... I have learn alot about coues deer in the last 15 years... I will still kiil deer legally. That is where I am headed as soon as I click "Post"... Good Hunting and Good Luck!

This is Huntjunkie my account has a problem so I'm using this one temporarily till it gets fixed.


Good luck! Hope you kill a big one!


(This will be VERY unpopular on this website but I don't care)

You assumed wrong. There are some of us that don't hunt over bait and don't care if it goes away. So lecturing those of us who dont support the cause about being lazy probably wasn't the way to go. Now having said that, I don't agree with the way G&F handled this. And I am not on there side.

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Only a truly ignorant a$$ with your sense and tone of moral superiority would judge such a large group of people , and yet posses such little knowledge of those he judges. I have never killed an animal over bait but have no problems with anyone who does. More than anything I am sad that the right do so, should I want to in the future, has been taken away from me.

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It is also very interesting to see that those who oppose this the most were outfitters who obviously have the most to lose while profitting on "our" resources. Maybe it is some insecurity with hunting abilities that drive this? Maybe there will be some guilt when you take the next time you take $4k from some poor sucker and you can't put him over a corn feeder and he goes home empty handed. What is more interesting is that when you visit the websites of even the guides that support this site nowhere do you disclose that one of your methods of hunting will be that you will be sitting over salt or a corn feeder but you all lined up in opposition.

As for you coues n sheep you sir are more than likely in the minority and reality is that most az hunters support the ban or as mentioned above it does not affect them.


One question for the poster who said to make sure and get your javelina baited: how bad do you suck as a hunter that you can't kill a javelina without bait? Maybe you should get a new hobby, maybe something you are better at.



For those of you who can't go on hunting without bait I would suggest relocation to a state where that is not only legal but perfectly acceptable. I hear kansas or iowa is nice.

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How long have you worked with Game and Fish?


Also if you listened to the commission meeting yesterday, most of the people who opposed the bait ban were NOT guides.

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Recently I have been complimentary of AGFD for their improved communications to us stakeholders the last few years. A significant improvement from years past. For some reason this "baiting issue" snuck up on me and I wasn't aware it was up for a vote until just a few days ago. How did such a controversial issue go so quietly without more communications/debate ? Did I just personally miss this one coming up for some reason?


This decision seems so out of character to me since it seems to be a "proactive" decision in advance of any CWD cases being discovered in Arizona. I don't recall any government actions being taken in the proactive mode ever before. Also seems to be discriminatory to allow ranchers to use salt (which our wildlife will share) and not allow hunters to have the same privilege? I'm hoping to hear more input from AGFD why this action has been taken ........other than just fear of CWD

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As for you coues n sheep you sir are more than likely in the minority and reality is that most az hunters support the ban or as mentioned above it does not affect.

Coues'N'Sheep and I almost never agree, but on this we do. I am NOT a guide and I opposed the bait ban. I also talked to 20+ other hunters and didn't find one of them that supported the ban, and none of these guys use corn. The only people who supported the ban at the Game and Fish meeting were department employees or affiliated somehow with the G & F.


And just for the record, I have never killed anything over bait.

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It is also very interesting to see that those who oppose this the most were outfitters who obviously have the most to lose while profitting on "our" resources. Maybe it is some insecurity with hunting abilities that drive this? Maybe there will be some guilt when you take the next time you take $4k from some poor sucker and you can't put him over a corn feeder and he goes home empty handed. What is more interesting is that when you visit the websites of even the guides that support this site nowhere do you disclose that one of your methods of hunting will be that you will be sitting over salt or a corn feeder but you all lined up in opposition.

As for you coues n sheep you sir are more than likely in the minority and reality is that most az hunters support the ban or as mentioned above it does not affect them.


One question for the poster who said to make sure and get your javelina baited: how bad do you suck as a hunter that you can't kill a javelina without bait? Maybe you should get a new hobby, maybe something you are better at.



For those of you who can't go on hunting without bait I would suggest relocation to a state where that is not only legal but perfectly acceptable. I hear kansas or iowa is nice.

Ok, I thought I was done; I have to respond to your negative comments. I disagree that most are outfitters, of the few guys that showed up to speak, I think only two of them were guides.

The bait ban for most of us, as I have talked with many outdoorsmen about this very topic. This for me and them was plainly about having factual data that was performed within the state of Arizona. The sad part is……… Even during other items before the item #9 was proposed to our commissioners they stated they wanted scientific factual data that was done in Arizona before they made their decision……..But when item #9 for the baiting ban was presented, the commissioners disregarded that there was no factual scientific data collected or performed within our State of Arizona and still voted 5-0


  • There has never been any survey’s or reports that show how many big game animals that were harvested over “bait” So how can they state the harvest is to high? Clearly this is just an estimated best guess formula. And oh by the way archery deer hunters are capped by a 20% harvest based on a 40% survey card by rifle hunters. So the bucks are being managed within the harvest agenda, otherwise they close the archery hunting opportunity.
  • No studies or research was performed within Arizona with regard to CWD or other types of diseases. The only thing sited was from other states and all studies sited were outdated by over 5 years or more.
  • Since when did our commission care about “fair chase” As this was the 3rd leg of the proposed reasoning behind the ban? We do care about public perception but managing wildlife should not include “fair chase” Let’s leave that to B&C, P&Y, and SCI.


What I wanted from the commission was plain and simply before they made their ruling final. Than to revisit this within 2 years and show the factual data that was collected.

  • Make all big game animals mandatory reporting and within the reporting have the harvest method.ie, over water, spot n stock, bait, ect. This would give all wildlife managers the true factual data of harvest per unit for all species.
  • Perform a study, showing the effects of baiting with regard to congregation of big game animals.
  • Perform a study of CWD and other types, within Arizona to show the factual concerns of our diverse population throughout the state. Use the same model that was performed in other states CWD study.


If during the presentation G & F would have show the factual data that was performed within Az. I would have supported them 100%. Oh by the way, mandatory reporting for archery deer hunters will be gone next year, it was approved. So, I guess we will never have factual harvest data within our great state. All tag allocations will be based on an assumed harvest agenda, :(

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It is also very interesting to see that those who oppose this the most were outfitters who obviously have the most to lose while profitting on "our" resources. Maybe it is some insecurity with hunting abilities that drive this? Maybe there will be some guilt when you take the next time you take $4k from some poor sucker and you can't put him over a corn feeder and he goes home empty handed. What is more interesting is that when you visit the websites of even the guides that support this site nowhere do you disclose that one of your methods of hunting will be that you will be sitting over salt or a corn feeder but you all lined up in opposition.

As for you coues n sheep you sir are more than likely in the minority and reality is that most az hunters support the ban or as mentioned above it does not affect them.

One question for the poster who said to make sure and get your javelina baited: how bad do you suck as a hunter that you can't kill a javelina without bait? Maybe you should get a new hobby, maybe something you are better at.

For those of you who can't go on hunting without bait I wxould suggest relocation to a state where that is not only legal but perfectly acceptable. I hear kansas or iowa is nice.



What a stud

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I used to think guys were nuts thinking bad of G & F, i always felt G & F had my back and AZ wildlife. Looks as if i was very wrong! ): Now if this were not an attack on archers and was actually all about the health of our AZ critters i would be behind G & F 100% but since they have made it clear for a few years it was all about our success rate i am finding myself ashamed for ever speaking up for them in the past. I believe this is all about revenue and they figure we will buy tags even when our success drops to below 1% and they in return will have more rifle "Hunt Opportunity"


Hunt Opportunity = more $$$


I for 1 think it is time i turn in my big game tags and not let them count on my $$$ any longer.



I've been hunting in Arizona for almost 50 years. I used to respect and try and help Game and Fish when ever I could. For the last 15 years I have been telling people how it's changed into a money grubbin anti hunting bunch of maggots. I can't hardly stand talking to any of them. I used to go the the meetings and finally figured out I was beating my head against a wall. It is a little too late but everyone is finally seeing the truth. They could give a rats a$$ about you or the game or fish in this state. All they care about is making more jobs for themselves. I hate them as much as I hate their wolves.

Oh by the way I don't bait, but for the Game and Fish to dictate this crppp without a single case of cwd just proves the contempt they have for the people who pay them. I wish everyone would not hunt for just one year. But good luck with that. I have started spending my money in other states I wish everyone would.

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