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San Carlos Tag Filled Part 2

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I was fortunate enough to have another San Carlos tag for January this season and was beyond excited for the opportunity.

Jesse and I went up Friday morning to get the trailer setup and to meet up with Matt and Tom to do an afternoon of glassing. We split up that afternoon to check out several different areas. Jesse and I find close to 20 does and only 1 buck that was too far to judge. Matt and Tom also saw 15 does but no bucks. With the lack of rut activity where we were we all decided to head to higher elevations for opening morning.

Opening morning found Matt and Tom overlooking a huge canyon system turning up several bucks including a huge 3x4 that would go well over 100. Jesse, Alan and I all decided to glass a big mountain side we had seen good bucks on in the past. We ended up finding several bucks including a giant on our side that again would go well over 100, but when we attempted to move in we lost him. Midday we decided to circle around to meet up with Tom and Matt. We were there for several minutes when I glassed up a great buck with Matt and Tom on the stalk. Sadly the buck got away and nothing hit the dirt. Towards last light we ended up glassing up the big 3x4 again but it was too late to make a stalk.


Day 2 find Jesse, Tom and Matt looking for the big 3x4 while Alan and I decided to circle around to try to find the big buck we saw the day before. Alan and I glassed all morning turning up several does in the high winds but no bucks. Matt ended up tagging his great dropper buck that morning. We all met up that afternoon to do an afternoon glass. We glassed some amazing country not finding any deer, but 1 lion. Here is a picture of the lion that was taken with my iphone and the kowa digiscope adapter at 1400 yards.




Day 3 Jesse, Alan, my dad and I all went back in search of the big 3x4. We glassed for several hours turning up several bucks chasing does when I glassed up what looked like a good buck over a mile away. We kept glassing checking on the buck periodically when we decided to cut the distance in half to get a better look. Once we got to 1000 yards he had bedded and we decided to move in closer while he was bedded for a closer look still. Once at 750 yards we got some good looks at the buck and the decision was made that I would take the buck if we were able to get within 500 yards. We moved up once again and got setup at 480 yards. When the buck stepped out and gave me a good shot I squeezed the trigger and watched the buck go down and then get right back up. He bedded down once more and stood back up giving me another good shot and he went down for good.


This is my biggest buck to date and I could not be happier. After getting home and getting everything cleaned up I put a tight tape to him and he ended up going 106 4/8”










Here are 2 short clips of the shots (again the video is taken with my iphone with the kowa digiscope adapter at 480 yards)





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Christian! Congrats on one helluva buck!! Those videos turned out great!! Those shots were right on the money!

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Congrats man! How did the 38 other tags you got this year go?

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Congratulations on a great buck Christian. Sweet pictures and video as well. Nice shooting!

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Congratulations again Christian!

That is one tall buck that I know you are stoked to have!

I can't believe the quality of the video and long range photos through your iPhone. That's crazy impressive!

Also, that's one big kitty and coues killing machine.

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Great buck Christian. We need to talk one of these days. I still haven't told you the story about our hunt down south. Congrats on a super buck.

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sweet buck and story.


Did you take the video through a spotter or binoculars?

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Very nice buck Christian. Congratulations! :)



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