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My 2013 "Fighter" Buck

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After four days of hunting, freezing, and fighting bitter cold winds, I was able to take my 2013 buck yesterday at straight up noon.


He came through pushing and chasing two does and a fawn. After a few minutes of wondering if I was going to get my chance at him since he wouldn't slow down chasing he finally got into a shooting position at 13 yards. I drew my bow but he spooked a little on the draw and made a 30 yard circle and couldn't help resisting the chance to chase a doe. He pushed her right in front of me in the same spot, I was still at full draw, picked a spot, and center punched him right behind the shoulder.


I gave him an hour, as I was pinned down by two other bucks moving in and chasing his does all around me. I didn't want to spook them so I just sat waiting for the bucks to chase them out of the area.


After finding my buck and upon further inspection on him, he had two big bald spots on his left side, a three in gash on one of his hind legs, a big gore hole in each hip, one ear that was split all to heck, and bruises all over his body. I don't think he found a fight he didn't like. :)


It was a great hunt even though it was so cold. I'm very happy with archery coues #10. Still working on getting a good buck for one of my friends that is hunting with me. He has been close on some great bucks but just has not quite got the right opportunity yet. Plus I still have a pig to chase if I can quit chasing deer long enough to go :).


Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone else out there. Stay warm.











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Nice job on your UFC buck Brian!

I know how frustrating it can be waiting for rutting bucks to settle down for a shot.

We always pray for rutting action during these hunts but when they are hot, they are HOT!

With does in heat in the area, it's like a zoo!


Congratulations again and best of luck to your friend.

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awesome job! great buck and thanks for sharing it with us. Whenever I see a new topic posted by standman I can't wait to open it up and see something awesome. Congrats.

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Thanks everyone. I'm pretty wore out today. Being in all that cold sure takes its toll on you. We are going to get back at it the first part of this week. Thanks again.



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10 coues with a bow is an amazing accomplishment! I'll guess very few people have had that kind of success. Congrats on another successful hunt Brian.

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Congratulations on yet another great archery buck Brian! I think they are right on when they say you have ice water running thru your veins, I don't know how you put in the hours in the cold, way to go!

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