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Florida Mountains Ibex

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I am headed back tomorrow until the 15th. Here is the video of the first week:


Some live pics of the best billie Ive ever seen! We were able to watch him for a few days before the opener.






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Zac, that is an absolute giant of a billy. Just an unreal, dream ibex. Wishing you luck is an understatement on finding that stud. I REALLY look forward to your posting of the recovery photos. Wish I was able to help. Awesome video as always.

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Zac, I don't know you personally, but wow what an effort to find a wounded animal. Good luck I'm sure a lot of other hunters on here are praying for you to find the trophy! Thanks for some awesome video! Good luck, from an envious hunter.

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My respects, big time.


I can't imagine a worse place to try and find a lost wounded animal. Those mountains are brutal. Like my friend in NM says, "You aren't afraid to fall in the Floridas...you're afraid to die."


On another note, I know someone who has video footage of that billy being missed with a rifle. His client choked.

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Wow!! I mean WOW! That billy was ridiculous! Holy cow! I have knots in my stomach. :blink: Man I hope you can find him!

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Thoughts and prayers are with you on finding that stud! Huge props for all your efforts!

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Thoughts and prayers exactly on finding him before the 15th. Would game & fish still let you tag him if you find him past the 15th? I certainly hope so. Wish I was there to help with the serch and good luck.



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Good luck Zac, dont worry about those (that) other DB's on that other site. You're doing what you can to make it right! Most people wouldn't put have the effort you and Scott have put in!

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Good luck finding him, stick with it, he'll turn up.

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Wow incredible! The video is amazing... Wishing you the best of luck!!!

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Incredible. All of it. Sure hope you find him!

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I really appreciate you all for your support and kind words. Ive never wanted an animal so bad. We have not found him nor any additional sign i.e.. crows, coyotes, magpies etc. Ive been back into his drainage every other day this week to hopefully pick up anything.


The hunt ends Tues. I pray someone finds him during the next archery or muzzleloader hunt. I would/will do anything to get my hands on that monarch--

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Man I have been there- more times than I care to admit. The sickening feeling when you realize you've aimed where you wanted to but something happened- the animal moved as the gun went off, your scope was bumped, etc..... and seeing that blood on the ground gives you hope, but you can't find it. I know how tough that can be.


I hope you have success locating him. The blood trail looked solid. Keep looking. You'll get it done if you keep a good attitude, which you seem to be doing much better than I could in that situation.


Good luck.

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Hunt is officially over. We never found him. Deep down I believe he's frozen on a north face in the cliffs or a cave or something. Ill post the video of the last week ASAP.


Please keep your eyes/ears open if anyone finds a dead head out there. Hes got a broadhead and 6-12" of arrow in his shoulder. Also after viewing hundreds of the these billies I realized just how unique his horns were.


Thanks again for all of the kind words and support!

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