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Anyone like palmation?

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If I had to guess from the progression in the size of the sheds I would say 6-8 years old. The right antler has/had a total of 8 points on it, the left has 4 I think? Lots of wavy bumps and ridges of palmation but no truly defined points. As far as score, the previous year's set scores over 350", this year who knows.....

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Coolest bull I have seen taken. Congrats on a trophy of a lifetime.

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Amazing!!! Great bull, congrats to you and your hunter (& your son too, looks like he's having a blast)! :P

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What did it score?

That would be around "who cares and 3/8ths" ;). Character score is off the charts on that bad boy. Big ups Joshy!!


I was just curious what a bull of that character would score, not something you see every day.

Agreed. Just being a knucklehead. I imagine his score would be pretty low.

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Congrats guys. Sean came into the shop after he took the bull and was beyond excited. Great job Josh on guiding to such a unique bull.

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Awesome bull. He seems to be one of the older bulls I have seen with such distinct palmation. Most bulls I have seen that even approached that much palmation were much younger. Sure would be interesting to understand what caused his uniqueness.

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Dang Josh that is a super cool bull. Congratulations to you guys on a truly unique bull. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us all.

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