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Jay Scott

Colorado 4th Season Rifle Elk Hunt With Janis and Martins Putelis

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Not the weather we were expecting in the Colorado high country in mid November! I hope it starts snowing soon, we can all use it. Despite the conditions, my brother and I found a few elk and hung a few quarters. I ended up eating my cow tag, but that's what I get for passing on calf elk and hunting big bulls. We'll be missing that cow come June. Thanks to all those that helped haul meat, your name is on a few frozen white packages. A super big thanks to everyone that has been or is involved in perpetuating our sport and way of life. We are blessed to have these opportunities.


I searched high for two days, looking for a mature six point bull. Not turning one up and with only three days left to fill a cow tag and an either sex tag, I started meat hunting. The Mrs. does not like an empty freezer!


My brother with his second elk. He made a 150 yd. shot off of one knee to put her down. He was using his new

Zastava M70, chambered in 30-06. We have been impressed with this rifle, especially at a price around $400.

I had a shot at a calf seconds later, but passed, hoping for more meat. The saying holds true, even when meat hunting: "Don't pass on anything the first day, you'd like to have on the last day."


Using the Otter sled for packing meat was awesome. This thing is bomber and should last quite a few hunting seasons. It was important to have a brake man steering the rear.


As he lay.


The first thing I heard that morning was antlers clashing. A sound seldom heard in CO, it took my brain ten minutes to recognize it. Even this late in the year, the bulls are working their pecking order.



Yes, everything in this picture was packed into or on the

KUIU Icon 6000



Loaded and ready to roll. The afternoon sun had warmed the snow to create treacherous load hauling conditions. I will not attempt these pack-outs without my

Leki Hiking Poles.



Hauling meat with the

Otter Sled.



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