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A Very Proud Son

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In November my mom ended up taking a nice buck, which I posted awhile back. It was a great hunt; words can't describe how proud I am of my mom for pushing through and harvesting a nice Coues buck. My mom had basically broken her left knee on an elk hunt a long time ago. She went to the hospital and they could not do the surgery right away so she had to walk around with it until the surgery took place, in that time all her cartilage in her left knee wore down. This also wore down her right knee in time because of always having to shift weight to that knee. Finally she went in for surgery; she was getting a total knee replacement. Unfortunately the surgery was unsuccessful and put her in more pain then before. Since then there has been other surgeries to try and aid her knees but nothing has been substantially helpful. Last year, despite the immense pain she took a tall Coues as you can see in the video below:


This year she said she wanted to shoot something bigger than her previous buck so we found a good one and got her right in on him, thankfully it was in easy walking country that had an old closed two track road that she could walk down. She put the hammer down on him and he was just what she wanted; bigger than her buck from last year. Anyways, enough of the story, here's the video!


I hoped you all enjoyed the hunt as much as I did, this is why we film -- so we can share our hunts with the rest of the hunting community. Thank you all for watching.


-- Eric Forrest

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Eric after looking at that trail cam pic I am 90% sure that is the deer I shot. Wow. Pretty cool that you were watching him as well. I only noticed him about 5 weeks ago. I have been contacted by another hunter who says he has pics of him in velvet. I haven't seen those yet. Really enjoyed the video. We seem to be hunting the same general area.


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I had watched him since the first week of October. Not usually the area I hunt for deer. I usually only go in there for predators. The reason I don't hunt it alot is because there aren't very many big bucks in the area. Lots of dinks. I was surprised to see him and I guess him around 105 type.

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That's just awesome! You guys did a great job on both hunts getting your mom out there in position. And what a trooper she is, with the bad knees to get out there get it done. Huge congrats, and great job getting it all on film. Kudos to you and your family. Great job, Mom!!!

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Your Mom is awesome shot !!!

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Awesome!! Thanks for sharing!! Really enjoyed the video! Congradulations!!

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Great video as usual! Congrats to your mom. Sounds/looks like a long hike to get him!

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