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Ideas on a quad...

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So I decided I need a quad before next year. I want to get a used side by side, but know nothing about them, so need a little help. Which ones do you like, and which ones should I stay away from? Why. I'll mostly be useing it for Elk,deer, and Javi hunting. Thanks in advance.

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SxS are expensive! make sure you have the correct windshile combo of you will be COVERED in dust (ask me how I know...) Also, you're probably going to want a little lift and slightly bigger tires for added ground clearance.

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I have the first Polaris RZR that came out. I love the thing. Its had some issues simply due to being the first model. The main issue was their air intake designs and filter. It simply did not work. They have worked out a lot of the bugs though. My only other complaint is ground clearance. The RZR's standard stock model sit rather low. Its great for center of gravity and have had no rolling issues but you bottom out a lot. I put an aftermarket skid plate on it first thing since it comes with a plastic one. I just recently put a 2.5 inch lift on it and with myself and my dad in it the other day we did not bottom out once. We weren't in any nasty stuff but went trough stuff that I thought for sure we would kiss the bottom with. No issues there. The only other draw back that I see with it is that the bed is rather small and it gets hot being that the motor is in the back. But the dang thing is super fast. Probably way to fast. Top speed is 60. It has enough power with the 800 motor to do anything you want. We have taken three elk out with it no problems, and it is a go getter. I drive it like I stole it and have been trying to break stuff on it just to see and so far only major issue was I snapped the anti sway bar in the back but I actually like the ride better without it and I had to replace on of the front hubs.

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Those RZR's are awesome. They have 'the look' to them, while being functional. They have the suspension needed in rough coues country, but as pointed out, they dont have much room for storage. If that problem was solved, they would be THE way to go, especially the RZR crew.

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Side by sides are expensive. They do all workhorse of SxS is the Polaris Ranger. Several different models and engine sizes to choose from. Early next year is a great time to buy as there are usually lots of people trying to unload them. Maybe bought one for a big tag, and don't need it anymore, etc. I'm not a big fan of the RZR. As Devin said, they bottom out VERY easily if kept stock, and there's not much room. If you don't have kids, or go solo often, or friends all have rigs, I actually prefer a quad. They're more nimble and quicker, get in/out of more stuff, lighter, cheaper, burn less gas, etc. It IS nice to have that bed to just toss your pack in and have a cooler with some cold drinks, but the bed is a dust trap and quads are just easier sometimes. Just about any of the manufacturer's make a nice quad but I have had good luck with Honda's and Yamahas. Hondas usually are a year or two behind the other brands with new bells and whistles, but they generally have the bugs worked out when they put them out. I'd keep an eye out for a used 500-600 quad and see what you can find. Many people think they need the biggest thing out there, like 700 - 900, but I think they are just overkill above 600 or so. Post on here if you thinkyou found a nice deal and people will give their opinions. Good luck with your search.

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  On 12/7/2012 at 10:20 PM, Coues Sniper said:

Side by sides are expensive. They do all workhorse of SxS is the Polaris Ranger. Several different models and engine sizes to choose from. Early next year is a great time to buy as there are usually lots of people trying to unload them. Maybe bought one for a big tag, and don't need it anymore, etc. I'm not a big fan of the RZR. As Devin said, they bottom out VERY easily if kept stock, and there's not much room. If you don't have kids, or go solo often, or friends all have rigs, I actually prefer a quad. They're more nimble and quicker, get in/out of more stuff, lighter, cheaper, burn less gas, etc. It IS nice to have that bed to just toss your pack in and have a cooler with some cold drinks, but the bed is a dust trap and quads are just easier sometimes. Just about any of the manufacturer's make a nice quad but I have had good luck with Honda's and Yamahas. Hondas usually are a year or two behind the other brands with new bells and whistles, but they generally have the bugs worked out when they put them out. I'd keep an eye out for a used 500-600 quad and see what you can find. Many people think they need the biggest thing out there, like 700 - 900, but I think they are just overkill above 600 or so. Post on here if you thinkyou found a nice deal and people will give their opinions. Good luck with your search.


Forgot to put the hood up on my sweatshirt this past week while in my Ranger and I could FEEL the dust settling on my neck... A shower never felt so good after 3 days of that!

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I have the 700 Ranger and my uncle has the 700 X2 polaris quad. Mine does not use all that much more gas than his. Because mine has a larger gas tank I do not even fill up ever day where he does. Mine has a 8 gall tank compared to his 2 gall. I LOVE mine! I have never....ever had an issue....ever aside from the battery. Only because I did not have a battery tender on it. I also have to say that mine rides better too. And yes you can get an elk on a quad but can you put 4 adults, 2 kids, a full grown elk and everyones gear with out low gear for a 2 hours ride back to camp on sh!tty 6A roads.....I bet not.



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I have 4 Honda Quads,that we have been using on the ranch since 1986 when they first came out.We haul salt,and minerals with them,build fence,and use them most everyday.The only is we ever had with any of them is when my dad changed the oil,and put the filter in backwards.It ran about a week,but he finally burned the top end out.This was due to 0 oil going through it.Replaced the cylinder,and a new piston,and it's still running.Excellent machines!!!We bought a 700 Polaris Ranger from a friend last year,and the ride is awesome.We can put 6 adults in it and climb a telephone pole.Another excellent machine.

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First you have to decide what you want out of your sude by side. i went with the ranger be ause i wanted something my whole family could go out in. With the rear seat in the bed all six of us can go out. when its just my boys and I hunting the rear seat comes out and we have full use of the bed. Casey if you have the half windshield try raising it a couple inches so there is a gap. It helps a little bit. I take mine off during the warm seasons and put it back on when its cold out. The bad thing right now is its both cool and warm.

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I pushed post before I was done. My father in law has the rhino. It rides rougher and is louder. My neighbor has the arctic cat and I feel like I'm on a remote control toy. If you want to go Fast Fast then the can am is the one. I do not know anyone with the the Honda big red or the newer John deers.

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Ive decide I need one myself. Just tired of beating up my truck!! If anyone has ever driven the 82 road on Anderson Mesa knows that has to be THE WORST road on the planet! Years ago, I thought I was going to bust both axles on my truck just trying to get outta that mess! Vowed to never drive anywhere on Anderson Mesa again unless I have a quad! LOL :)


Anyways.....I've decided on a Honda Rancher. My goal is to save enough and have it by next fall!


Good luck on our search/purchase!

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I have a 6 wheel ranger with about 315 hours, also a custom trailer designed for three quads or a ranger plus one quad. You can side load quads from either side front or back.


I'd like to get $6000 for the package, if your interested I can send you pics.

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Ranger, Rhino, Teryx are all good machines if you get the newer fuel injected models, usually 2008 and up, there is nothing to mess with regarding the engine other than maintenance. I am looking at all of them right now as well. I had a 2006 Rhino and it was great, never a problem and it went everywhere a sane person would want to go. I also have 2 quads and they are fun and nice but it is much easier for hunting to get around in the SxS.

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