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Good east valley butcher

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Hello there. I know there's been posts on butchers but for some reason I can't figure out how to search. Anyway comin home today with a couple of coues bucks and lookin for a reputable butcher. I am comin from globe area and live in west valley so any where in between is fine. I would do it my self but I want to tAke them to a butcher this time. I appreciate your input

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I always take my elk to Millers Southwest Processors. They make really good sausage and chorizo. They are out in queen creek.

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Thx. I was tryin to think of their name. They have done a couple elk for us and came out really well. That S probably where I will go

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Have to agree with jeffcros. Meat comes back awesome and most importantly they get you YOUR meat back. Don't want to mention names but I know for a fact other places could care less about your animal, just getting it packaged up and out. I know cause i heard it first hand 3 days ago from a guy that worked at the place. Von hansons runs a tight ship and will go out of their way to get you what you want.

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Have to agree with jeffcros. Meat comes back awesome and most importantly they get you YOUR meat back. Don't want to mention names but I know for a fact other places could care less about your animal, just getting it packaged up and out. I know cause i heard it first hand 3 days ago from a guy that worked at the place. Von hansons runs a tight ship and will go out of their way to get you what you want.

Willy I know you only intended to help someone out and give a plug for a place you know and like but saying things like that and not naming names paints with a broad brush and since Miller's was already mentioned it kind of seems like you are implying that is who you are talking about. I am sure that's not your intent, it just sort of sounds that way. This I will say having worked in Miller's shop and seen their operations first hand, when you take them meat, you get your meat back. Because of the other work they do they have a USDA inspector in-house everyday. They run a great operation and Mike takes first class care of your animal. There is no one I trust more to process the meat I put on my children's plate (myself included).


I have never used Von Hansons but if Jeff says they are good they must be. Only trouble is with all the stuff he has been killing they may not have time to cut anyone else's meat.

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The only reason I don't mention names is because I don't think it's fair to bash a company over a bad experience when I have heard mostly positive things otherwise. I recommended Von hansons because I have only good things to say. Everyone has an opinion whether it's good or bad.

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I don't work for, or know anyone from either place. All I know is that my family is pissed that I didn't get drawn for elk this year because they are all craving the breakfast sausage and I'm all out!

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