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Jay Scott

Unit 22 Desert Sheep Hunt Photos-Ernie Meeske Ram

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Here are some more photos of Ernie Meeske's giant Arizona Unit 22 ram. The ram scores 186 7/8 gross and 186 3/8 Net Unofficial. Video to come soon.













I was so honored to be a part of this hunt for Ernie's once in a lifetime ram. We had a great time with friends and family and memories were made that will never be forgotten. I would like to try and thank the people that helped on this hunt in one way or another. I sure hope not to leave anyone out. Ernie Meeske, Seth Meeske, Jeremy Plain, Justin Taylor, Jack Johnson Jr and Sr, Gary Kimball, Erv Earll, Janis Putelis, Greg Koons, Mogollon Taxidermy, Cody Nelson, Darr Colburn and of course the Good Lord above for keeping us safe and watching over us. Special Thanks to the Meeske's for letting me be apart of their great adventure. The video of this hunt should be unreal and I will be posting it soon.838693349566457000-4357920803992018716?l=jayscottoutdoors.blogspot.com


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What a beautiful ram.

Congratulations are in order for Ernie in making the absolute best out of his once in a lifetime experience.

It looks like he was in stellar company as well.

Stupendous photographs and excellent way to document the success and memories.

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I've never used the word slob to describe something so beautiful - but that is a SLOB of a ram. Dear goodness what an amazing sheep. He looked giant in the other pictures, but 186??? Unreal. Truly a world class animal. Huge congratulations to all involved.

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