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The Shouting Buck

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Well, with not killing and archery deer in January or August, I decided to buy a leftover tag for down south. I have not been rifle deer in a loonngg time. I really can't remember that last time I used a rifle deer tag.


I went with a unit I was pretty familiar with over years past. The first day and a half was pretty uneventful with nothing really to talk about. The second afternoon is when things got interesting. At 2 p.m. my friend Mark and I were setting up to glass and before I even got my glass on the tripod he said he had a buck and he was way up in a saddle on a big steep rocky nasty mountain. So quickly we made a plan. He would stay on the scope while I would try to get up on a rocky knob across from him.


An hour later, I had made it to the top of the rocky knob (after climbing in some precarious places). I finally picked out the buck feeding across from me at 308 yards, but there was one problem. I was looking directly into the sun. I could barely seem him through the binocs and I couldnt see squat through the scope. There was no way I could shoot him. So I called Mark on the radio and told him that I was going to have to wait until the sun went down behind the ridge before I could shoot. So I just laid there on that knob keeping track of the buck as he kept feeding closer. He got to 268 yards when he found a clump of dead burned oak trees and laid down. I could not see him buck Mark could through the spotting scope.


So I waited for him to stand. At 4:30, I decided to make a move to get a different angle on him and hope to be able to see him. So I back down to the back side of the knob I was on and eased up the ridge till I was on the same level he was. I was now at 75 yards and he was still bedded.

I tried and tried to pick him out laying there but couldn't. Time was getting late and I had to get him up. So I called Mark on the radio and told him I was going to get my predator call out and try to get him to stand up. First I tried a couple cow elk mews. That didn't work. Then I got on the call hard. That didn't work. Mark radioed and said that all the buck did was lay his ears back and get lower to the ground. It was getting darker and I was running out of light fast. So decided to roll some rocks down the hill. That didn't work. Then I decide I had to get him up so I start yelling at the buck to get up. I yelled and yelled and nothing. LOL. Mark said all that buck did was get lower to the ground. Time was up. I had 5-10 minutes of legal shooting time left and I was out of options. So I picked out the oak tree he was laying under and decided to put a bullet in it to get him up. I took aim and let her rip. Mark called on the radio and said that he didn't move. LOL. A couple minutes went by and finally Mark called and said he stood up. I still couldn't see him through the trees. Finally I could see him start to trot out the left side and as soon as he cleared the trees I put a bullet through both shoulders at 80 yards. He was still up and running so I put another one in him and he piled up.


Here is a pic of him. Not the best pic in the world but we were not thinking alot about pics and just wanted to get him off the mountain as fast as we could as we were on a nasty mountain and a loonngg ways from the truck. Anyway, it was a good time and definately and interesting hunt to say the least.





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I always think it's so cool when I hear stories of bucks "hiding" at the sound of a truck driving down a two track or people hiking above them.

Glad you got to experience it first hand. Congrats on sealing the deal.

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Great story! I wouldnt believe that some smart bucks wont move even a lot of noise unless I hadnt experiences similar things!

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Nice Buck. Great story. Used to carry a David and Goliath sling to bust them out.

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Great job, Brian. I was laughing out loud when Mark was telling me this story. Congrats on getting that smart buck!

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Standman....I didn't even know you owned a gun!! LOL!


I don't get to use it to often. Got to get the dust off of it every now and then. Lol

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Nice! Sounds like a lot of fun. It would have been cool to be watching all of that take place.

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One heck of a story!


Sounds like I need to be more agressive in

my hunting strategies!


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Thanks everyone. It was a fun hunt. Now back to scouting for January.



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