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New Hunter Success...24b

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Posted on Brady’s behalf…Here’s his 2x2!


It took us 5 hours to get him down after he was glassed up at 1000 yards feeding towards us down a wash. My brother and Brady snuck off the hill we were all glassing from, and crept through the desert towards the buck with the wind in their faces. I watched the hunt unfold from the hilltop as the buck bedded down obscured from both hunter and guide. My brother, Jeff, guided Brady in to about 80 yards working from landmarks, Saguaros and Palo Verde. Finally Jeff glassed up an antler and only a minute or two later the buck stood, either catching their movement or hearing them. The buck stared right at them for several minutes as Brady waited for him to take just a couple steps to the left. Instead the buck bound off to the west, down into a shallow wash and stopped. At this point he was over the horizon and out of Brady’s sight, but only about 150 yards away. Again he took off, up the far side of the wash and continued up the hill. Now even out of my sight I started to think we lost him, when the air-ripping crack of Brady’s rifle filled the valley below. With a free-hand standing shot from 200 yards and two others to bring the hunt to an end, Brady harvested his first mule and first big game!


Way to get it done Brady!







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Congratulations Brady! I didn't fill my tag this time; but being there when you shot your first deer made this a hunt to remember for me. I really enjoyed every moment. (applying for tags, getting drawn, talking strategy, range time, scouting, getting up in the wee hours, long days in the field, hiking, glassing, being patient and quiet during the several hour stalk, knowing your shooting abilities, perseverance, making an awesome off hand shot at about 200 yards, 1st time field dressing a deer, etc..... )


A lot goes into every hunt and a lot of memories are made along the way.


Way to go and a great first buck!!!!!

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Great job on your first deer and way to stick with it! Tough unit for the general hunt!

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