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I was goin through some photos and found this one I took last year right by the Colorado Bridge. The Vermillion Cliffs are in the background. As I was taking this picture, a biologist or "Condor Groupie" came running at me from the other side of the bridge. I thought he was coming to steel my camera, but instead he reached down as he was running and grabbed a handfull of rocks and threw it at the Condor with a full swing! Now I figured he was just a punk messin with the bird and I yelled at him askin what the heck he thought he was doing?! He just said he'll be right back and chased the Condor over to where it landed and threw more rocks at it. He came back and told me who he was and that he's trying to make the bird afraid of humans and to make them leave the Bridge area. Makes sense to me now, but seeing a plain clothes guy blast a California Condor with rocks got me a little upset at first! Has anyone else seen these huge birds or ever hear of this "scare tactic"? Thanks, JIM>



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That's totally cool never seen one up that close.

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AWESOME pic!! Thanks for sharing that one!


I saw took this pic 2 years ago while we were at the Grand Canyon on the south side. My wife and I were standing on one of those rock outcroppings with all the other camera clicker tourists soaking up the sights.. I saw this bird coming near us from out over the canyon and at first I just thought it was just a buzzard. But the thing kept getting bigger and bigger.. Finally the thing flew right over us! And the Ranger kept right on yakking away and never looked up or said a word about it. I thought that was a little weird that a Grand Canyon Park Ranger wouldn't mention a condor if one was seen. The second time the bird flew over I said to him, "hey, isn't that a Condor?". This time he excitedly stated "YES!!" started to let all the people know just how much of a treat it was to see one and how rare they are and so on.. But he never even would have seen the thing had I not said something to him!


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Thats an awesome pic as well, Scottyboy! Thats weird the ranger wasn't looking for the condors from the beginning or at least to tell the tourists to watch for them. That one in my pic was huge and I guarantee I could have pet the darn thing, he kept flaring out his wings at me and walking back and forth, I was afraid he was going to jump on me at any second! There were three more hanging out below the bridge and one was one of the first birds introduced here, the condor guy took my dad and I over and pointed out the other ones and then commenced to throwin' rocks at them! The one in my pic was a younger condor, that's why he didn't have the red head. Thanks, JIM>

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