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Duel in the Desert

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I'll concede ASU wanted it more. But Matt Scott.. Good grief, could u turn it over a few more times!


Yeah, AND he was talking $hit the whole game, classless...

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I cannot believe U of A was ranked! ASU got it done! With this win they are now ahead of UA for bowl selection!

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welcome to the desert RichRod. time to pack your bags as it is only getting worse. next year you'll be riding the bus home with your tail tucked between your legs.

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Classless Rich-Rod wouldn't even come out to shake hands. Typical Tucson.


Yes he did, it was a very brief shake by both. Typical Tempe with grade school banter instead of taking a win with class. Sucks but ASU did what they had to too win.

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Classless Rich-Rod wouldn't even come out to shake hands. Typical Tucson.


Yes he did, it was a very brief shake by both. Typical Tempe with grade school banter instead of taking a win with class.


So we should have danced on your logo at mid-field after the game? Would that have been taking a win with class? Thought not...

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