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Are NAP Bloodrunner heads any good?

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I got a deal on a package of Bloodrunners. I tested them tonight. They seem to fly well and hit where I aim, at 20 yards. However, it appears the blade slices in the target (entrance and exit) were the same width as the closed width, as if they didn't open much. Do they open fully inside the target, then close as it exits? It doesn't appear to perform as advertised. I was surprised that the blades are spring loaded to the closed position. Anyone have any experience with these heads? This is my first experience with expandables.

Thanks for your input/advice.

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I have used them, did not notice the entrance and exit holes as you did. I shot a Javi last year and it performed very well, pig flopped in sight....it was a good shot.


I have been a long time user of WacEm's...but they are getting harder and harder to find, when I shoot all that I have I will probably start using the Bloodrunner.... but that will probably change a dozen times...LOL



Maybe shoot a orange or watermelon and see if it opens.

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Thanks for the input Redman. That's a good idea, to shoot fruit. I have grapefruit hanging on the neibhors tree....good practice too.

I guess no one else has experience with these. Maybe that says something about this BH.

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I have been shooting them for a while. Only thing I have shot with them besides targets is a turkey and it did the trick. As far a shooting them at my target they have always completely opened for me and the back side is the same when I have one pass through that far. If you push down on the point with your finger it dosnt take much for the blades to expand. So going through an animal or target I'm guessing it stay fully opened untill it reaches the other side when there is no more pressure on it.

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I bought a pack last year, and I was not impressed upon my practice sessions. They flew good, but I found their strength to be suspect. Blades seem to break easily and If I remember right, they would start making noise in my quiver after a few shots into the target. Because of my practice with them, I chose to not use them while hunting, so I can't give you any field experience with them. Bottom line with any broadhead is, if you hit the animal in the lungs, he will die, no matter what head.

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