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just got back from 36b

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you can thank the G&F for the wonderful "opportunity" you had to be out in the field viewing all of those does!!!


There has been an average tag increase of general hunts in 36b of 6 - 13 % of the tags depending on the year in comparison to 2007 that consisted of 2 early and Dec hunts ( this year 2012 is about 6%) the average buck harvest has seen an increase of 16 - 31% ( all greater than the total tag increases) with 2009 and 2010 being the best years... yet the majority of hunts through the 3 hunt change remained around 20% meaning all hunts are producing bucks... Does it suck that there are a lot fewer Dec. tags ... I bet that would depend on if you are the guy holding the tag ... if there were still two early hunts with over 1k hunters each like 2007 or 200 Dec tags , those hunters,who are unsuccessful, would complain and still blame G&F ... It is true that in many units the pushing together of junior hunts, Whitetail, and general mule deer hunts creates a lot of pressure and it would be nice to see a bit fewer tags and some interval between hunts, but 36b is a big unit that I have scouted and hunted a good deal of over the last 6 years and during each hunt time and bucks and opportunities were available on all of them.


So please share how G&F has limited opportunity in a unit that has seen significant % increases in harvest beyond the % increase of tags since 2007


If your seeing large herds of does down there you need to be looking at the surrounding ranges, the bigger drainages, and the litter thicker stuff and those bachelor herds are around( not right on top of but...) I have seen them in the early, mid and late Nov hunts... sometimes they get broken up for a spell but they seem to get back together


Being born and raised in AZ I would love to have it how my grandfather and dad did when I was a kid, but blaming G&F for everything including lack of success is a fracking sell out and in my opinion becoming way to common and getting very old on this site.

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you can thank the G&F for the wonderful "opportunity" you had to be out in the field viewing all of those does!!!


There has been an average tag increase of general hunts in 36b of 6 - 13 % of the tags depending on the year in comparison to 2007 that consisted of 2 early and Dec hunts ( this year 2012 is about 6%) the average buck harvest has seen an increase of 16 - 31% ( all greater than the total tag increases) with 2009 and 2010 being the best years... yet the majority of hunts through the 3 hunt change remained around 20% meaning all hunts are producing bucks... Does it suck that there are a lot fewer Dec. tags ... I bet that would depend on if you are the guy holding the tag ... if there were still two early hunts with over 1k hunters each like 2007 or 200 Dec tags , those hunters,who are unsuccessful, would complain and still blame G&F ... It is true that in many units the pushing together of junior hunts, Whitetail, and general mule deer hunts creates a lot of pressure and it would be nice to see a bit fewer tags and some interval between hunts, but 36b is a big unit that I have scouted and hunted a good deal of over the last 6 years and during each hunt time and bucks and opportunities were available on all of them.


So please share how G&F has limited opportunity in a unit that has seen significant % increases in harvest beyond the % increase of tags since 2007


If your seeing large herds of does down there you need to be looking at the surrounding ranges, the bigger drainages, and the litter thicker stuff and those bachelor herds are around( not right on top of but...) I have seen them in the early, mid and late Nov hunts... sometimes they get broken up for a spell but they seem to get back together


Being born and raised in AZ I would love to have it how my grandfather and dad did when I was a kid, but blaming G&F for everything including lack of success is a fracking sell out and in my opinion becoming way to common and getting very old on this site.



is the quality of deer that youve seen stayed the same or better now? im not blaming game and fish, ive never set foot in 36b in my life till sunday morning. however 2400 tags seems like a lot for one unit. another question for you since you sound knowledgeable on the subject, if there was 800 tags for the november 9 hunt, how come the tag i got is number 856?

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Trphy ... I have no Idea why you would have tag #856 of a hunt with 800 tags but I would thing G&F can answer that for you ... I did not hunt or scout this year as I was helping on a mule deer hunt in 23... I will most likely be down there again next year and all I can say is that there has not been a year since my first trip down there that we were not able to find quality bucks ( sometimes the ones you scout don't show up for the hunt but that is how it can go), Vegasjeep knows some the areas I like and have scouted/hunted .. some areas in 36b hold good numbers but not many will pass that 95-100" mark (lots in that 80 - 90 range), while other areas seem to have much better and more that pass that 100" mark ... in 2011 in much worse weather than just passed we seen only a couple big ones early in the and had another hunter always trying to push into were we were hunting every morning ( I do not blame number of tags for this just an A**HOLE hunter) passed on about a half dozen smaller ones and then last day I missed a decent 3x3... in 2010 I was spotting for family and friends not hunting seen over 30 bucks ( not counting forks or spikes) biggest bachelor herd was 7 deer with 4 of them easily being over 100"'s and the biggest in that 115 - 120 range ... unfortunately my brothers friend from Cali who had only one deer hunt in his pocket could not get over his buck fever and missed twice on 2 different days on 100"+ bucks and missed 4 total through the hunt ... Only a couple smaller bucks were taken by other hunters.

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Very nice country ( minus the trash and illegals) but makes for a great plan B ... make sure to have your lion tag ... those dang cats are encroaching in a couple of our areas last year where we seen almost no sign years prior

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ya i looked for tracks, but they had probably already been trampled on by illegals. we called coyotes during the middle of the day, only called one. glassed up coati as well. might even go down to check the archery hunt. heard there is good mule deer in that unit as well, but we didnt see any.

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It comes in waves, some areas produce when other are swathed in young bucks, Genetics are there if you look in the right place, I know I saW good bucks and saw some younger ones that I knew were descenddants of those big bucks

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Just finished six days in 36a second hunt. 33 does and zero bucks.

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