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Unit 30A sucks!

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Here was 30A back in 09.post-3586-1263869695_thumb.jpg

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  On 11/12/2012 at 5:47 PM, elkhunter said:

One thing several people overlook is the fact that in oct coues are typically found near water....a majority of the roads in Arizona leads to water, don't be afraid to hunt under a mile from a pond and a road, typically that's where you find higher density of deer.


However some people will disagree with hunting near roads, u will typically find smaller bucks and more does. Farther away will produce bigger bucks but a lot less deer unless there's a good flowing spring or a pond with zero road access


If you are interested in seeing a great number of deer, try either 36b or 36a, in those units you should expect to see 15 to 30 does a day and bucks varies from 0 to 20 a day. A lot of fun hunting out there if you are into seeing a lot of deer.


After spending two days on the first hunt (helping scout) and four on the second hunt (solo) in 36B I only saw one spike and no Doe's today. On the average I saw 2-4 Doe's a day. I let the spike walk after watching him for 15 minutes. I hunted a popluar area south of Arivaca Lake but there were not a lot of deer around and I didn't see anything bigger than a two point taken but did here of a camp taking a few on opening day of the first hunt.

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Wow I must be missing out on alot of good hunting throughout the state. I really like this unit. Everybody seems to hate it compared to other units. Nothing like hunting all week long and seeing no other hunters.

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I've killed several coues and several mule deer in 30A and have hunted it for years. It can be a great unit, but it's not an easy hunt. We usually pack in and make a spike camp to get away from other hunters.

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I have been reading all about this unit. We hiked a total of 30.7 miles in 3 days without seeing one WT deer!! I spent most of my time glassing and still nada. Anyone have any pointers? Is the Dos Cabezas better than the paragosa? SE side or north side? Im lost in this unit...

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I would say all mtn ranges are equal in this unit. Just remember that bucks spend the majority of time on the north slopes unless they're sunning at sunup. There are exceptions but spending more time glassing north slopes and pockets are your best bet. I know the unit is thick in some places but patience is key. Staying back in deep country and glassing north slopes until dark may make the difference.

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I give you props for hiking your butt off. But I used to do that and now I let the binos do the work. When I used to hike all I would see was tail ends flicking and running. I watch hunters from up high now as they hike around pushing the deer.


Good Luck

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