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Dream Season!

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Don't really know how to describe this year other then I've been having a hunting season that I can only hope to reproduce at some point in my life. Archery bucks in Utah with some good buddies, my biggest bull on the same day as helping a good friend on killing his first bull, and now this past Friday I killed my biggest coues buck to round out the Opening Day Trifecta.


Ron, Stan, and myself headed out opening day to an area that I've hunted over the last several years that has been very good to us. The day started by locating two groups of bucks and a handful of does. The group with the biggest deer were quite a ways away and disappeared in to a cut by 9:00am. The second group disappeared for a while but then reappeared on a hillside 800 yards away and began to bed down. As Ron and I were debating if we wanted to shoot the bigger buck in the group Stan called us on the radio to see what was up and we decided this would be a good group of deer for him and his sons to go in after. At 11:00am we had the first deer down for the day.




Once the pictures and processing done we sent Stan and his boys on their way back to the trucks and Ron and I worked our way back towards the bigger bucks that we had located that morning. At 3:30pm we were in a position to look in to the cut that the deer had disappeared in to and withing five minutes we had them located as they were up and feeding. Where they were located we could just catch glimpses of them over the ridge and working between the trees so Ron and I decided to relocate to the knob opposite of where they were at to get a better view and possible shot at them. By 4:15pm or so we were in position and had the bucks located and within range. It turns out there were 5 or 6 bucks in this cut with two of them being pretty dang big. Unfortunately one of the big boys was able to make his escape but Ron and I were able to pull a double to complete the opening day trifecta.


Before you see the pics I really want to thank Ron for his help and allowing for me to take my biggest Coues buck to date.


Ron with his handsome buck



Our two bucks that went down about 50 yards apart




My buck ended up scoring over 102" and is more than I could have hoped to take on this hunt. My goal was to take one bigger than I did last year and I did so in a big way.




Here is a pick of our Opening Day Trifecta and a quick end to a great hunt!




I could only wish to ever duplicate the year that I'm have someday....and it's not even over yet as i get to head to Mexico in January to chase some big coues deer one more time.

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I'lds say you are having a good year. Congratulations on all you accomplished so far this and good luck in Mexico. Congratulations to everyone else in your party.



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Amazing! Congratulations on some great bucks AND on such an awesome year so far!

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Awesome 3 for 3!

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Congratulations on your "dream season"! Beautiful bucks for all, way to go and good luck in Mexico!

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