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Yeah what the he$$ Bruce Springsteen? I thought you grew up in a "small town"!


I never liked Springsteen anyway. Just another Presidential butt kisser.



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Ted Nugent is a Bad A##.

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Only 32% of the registered republicans voted. That seems pretty low to me.

Fact is that we can blame the Liberal Dummies all we want ... it was the lowest Repulican turnout for any major election in over 20 years. Look at the registered R's in the swing states and blame them. It is those idiots who cost us the White House, and eventually our country.


We are headed for a rough time to be sure.

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The people have spoken and unfortunatly this is the new face of America.


Look for more gun legislation, more health care regulation, higher taxation. This is what the majority wants. In the end people voted on free birth control, free abortions and free marijuana. FREEdom and a more robust economy do not matter as long as someone else keeps paying the bills.


I think the mid terms will bring the house back to the left as well. As was said before republican turnout was pathetic, yet it was exactly at the number the Dems predicted it to be. They know us better than we know ourselves. That must be why they think they can run our lives better than we can as well.

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The morning after Barack Obama's re-election victory, rocker, political activist, and Discovery Channel star, Ted Nugent took to Twitterto air his rage over America's decision to give Obama four more years.



"Pimps whores & welfare brats & their soulless supporters hav a president to destroy America," tweets the gunslinger.



He then took a moment to ponder, "What subhuman varmint believes others must pay for their obesity booze cellphones birthcontrol abortions & lives?"



Nugent ended the rant with, "Goodluk America u just voted for economic & spiritual suicide. Soulless fools."



Once he finished with Obama, Nugent set his Twitter sights on the Supreme Court


Isn't Uncle Ted due to be dead or in jail soon????? I thought that was his promise.... LOL




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